
Laugh Your Pants Off At 20 Dark But Hilarious Comics By The Artist “Mark Virkus”

We all know how challenging and difficult life has been for us, but it won't be anything at all if you know that there is still something fun in it.
So, where can you find humor in life? We can consider comics a place where we can temporarily forget our daily struggles and find comfort in relatable things. If you're having a dull day, comics may be the best way to turn the negative things in your mind into positive things.
There are many types of comics today, but have you tried reading dark humor comics before? Although comics mixed with dark humor are not everyone's cup of tea, they are a fantastic way of dealing with the anxieties of life. They revolve around the absurdity of modern life or simply silly, random, and hilarious things you would never think of! Now, if you love to experience funny and surprising things, let's seek out the dark comics of Mart Virkus, who can satisfy your inner demon.
In particular, for the game, memes, pop culture lovers, and people trying to survive in crazy times, "Arcade Rage Comics" by Mart Virkus might be comic strips they can't miss. Mart Virkus, an Estonian artist and the creator of Arcade Rage Comics, says he is inspired by sports, films, memes, and other art. Through these nerdy and witty comics, he can let out his frustrations about video games, pop culture, and everyday life. With over 92,000 followers on social media, the comic is now like a rising star that can bring a lot of joy to people.
Mart Virkus’s comics are dark but adorable - a different and powerful combination, but the artist's ability to express complex emotions using minimalist means is the key factor that makes people enjoy and love his comics. Read "Arcade Rage Comics", and you will see that it seems to be “dumb jokes for smart people” as the artist describes it.
If you are sad and want to brighten your day, sit down with a cup of tea and scroll down to enjoy the comics in the gallery below! And don't forget to follow Arcade Rage on social media for a regular dose of darkness!

#1  Pre-rolling in the grave

Source: arcaderagecomics

#2 Jingle balls

Source: arcaderagecomics

#3 Andy gets randy

Source: arcaderagecomics

#4 "My" world is an ice rink and "I" am the puck

Source: arcaderagecomics

#5 At least they won’t reproduce

Source: arcaderagecomics

#6 Learn the difference, save a life

Source: arcaderagecomics

#7 How long is this gonna go on?

Source: arcaderagecomics

#8 A lesson in economics

Source: arcaderagecomics

#9 How many more cameramen must die?

Source: arcaderagecomics

#10 Modern warfare

Source: arcaderagecomics

#11 Fire in the hole

Source: arcaderagecomics

#12 Hey Siri - ABORT

Source: arcaderagecomics

#13 No astronaut puns, please

Source: arcaderagecomics

#14 Among us imposter

Source: arcaderagecomics

#15 A tsunameme

Source: arcaderagecomics

#16 *whispers* wanna see my candlestick?

Source: arcaderagecomics

#17 Elden Ring toughest boss

Source: arcaderagecomics

#18 A biblically accurate angel*

Source: arcaderagecomics

#19 There are two types of people

Source: arcaderagecomics

#20 Spam… spam never changes

Source: arcaderagecomics

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