
23 'Well That Sucks' Moments That Can Make Anyone’s Blood Boil

Why does life suck? That may be a question that comes up when you are confronted with several difficult challenges that are wholly beyond your control. Along with the current coronavirus outbreak, other problems include war, illness, bankruptcy, injustice, mental health problems, and a long list of other things. There are countless other factors that make life difficult. Additionally, it seems as though they come in waves; after one bad thing, others follow, as if the universe is trying to put you down.
Don't feel bad if life sucks to you. It's one of the flavors that you have to taste when living in this world. And it's not always the same. There will be ups and downs. There will be joy and sorrow. So, don't worry. Maybe you should see these pics below that are what happened to other people throughout the world because they will make you feel better. You are not the most unfortunate person. Many people have experienced worse days than you.

#1. Yikes

Source: M0RALVigilance

#2. Found this little guy when I almost finished my takeaway meal

Source: Nakl0v

#3. This watermelon that I grew

Source: NeedlesMakeMeFaint

#4. My bedroom ceiling collapsed

Source: deus_voltaire

#5. I dropped my deep fat fryer on my wooden floor.. there is no god

Source: cekes123

#6. My backyard burned down while I was taking a dump

Source: Zareldo

#7. My kid slapped my glasses directly into my eyeball

Source: picnicandpangolin

#8. My sister was excited to use the gigantic lemon she bought


#9. Sewed up a shirt in my living room. Felt a slight pain when I got up. Ignored it but could barely walk 3 days later. That's what the X-ray revealed...

Source: ClydeSDC-

#10. The size of the pill given to me for strep throat. I can barely swallow water so this horse pill is what they gave me. Had to grind it up and put it in jello for now

Source: Creekblood

#11. My fridge door fell off

Source: Issysunshine

#12. Got back to my scooter, some random persoon locked me in

Source: JeeringSquid

#13. Imagine this being your sweat pattern every time you workout. I don’t have to imagine

Source: Myomyw

#14. Asked my wife to keep the oven on low for the burgers. Puts it on low, broil, and forget to take the plastic cover off

Source: PartyRooster

#15. I‘m in suite 86…

Source: TheKingofTerrorZ

#16. Found my headphones

Source: BKStephens

#17. Walking home with a surprise

Source: FederalEquivalent583

#18. Is the inside foam supposed to be outside foam too?

Source: Gilgameshbrah

#19. How I found my bike when leaving work today. (I only have one U lock)

Source: Mario_mEz

#20. What is this gas station toilet paper

Source: domiinikk4

#21. Someone posted on here about passing out and making a hole in the wall so thought id share this from when i passed out some time ago

Source: lassehvillum

#22. Ahh, yes. Nothing better to wake up to

Source: anaonmise

#23. There goes our picnic

Source: BeefFromNowhere

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