15 Celebs Share Their Near-Death Experiences, And They Tug At Our Heartstrings
Celebrities are frequently seen as extraordinary people, yet they are not immune to the hazards of life. True! You may be wealthy and famous, but neither of these things will make you immortal. From Travis Barker to Isla Fisher, the most famous celebrities have all tip-toed the line between life and death. However, unlike others who are often afraid to talk about their near-death experiences, they are brave enough to share them. The 15 celebrities on this list have publicly discussed their life-changing, terrifying events, and the majority of them claim that what occurred to them impacted their view on life forever! Here we have all you need. Scroll down for more detail!
#1 Gloria Estefan
Source: gloriaestefan
#2 Salma Hayek
Source: salmahayek
#3 Harrison Ford
Source: WUF / Splash News
#4 Sharon Stone
Source: sharonstone
#5 Orlando Bloom
Source: orlandobloom
#6 Lamar Odom
Source: Wikipedia
#7 Tracy Morgan
Source: tracymorgan
#8 Travis Barker
Source: travisbarker
#9 Zac Efron
Source: zacefron
#10 Emilia Clarke
Source: emilia_clarke
#11 50 Cent
Source: 50cent
#12 Martin Lawrence
Source: martinlawrence
#13 Isla Fisher
Source: islafisher
#14 Tiger Woods
Source: tigerwoods
#15 Rachel Bilson
Source: rachelbilson
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