14 Celebrities Are On The Fire Or Having A Moment That You Don’t Like
However, sometimes celebs have a moment that we don’t like or even get on our nerves. The reasons for it are various. According to Reddit, we’ve rounded up some celebs who are on the fire but have a moment that makes you annoyed. Scrolling down to see.
#1 Jack Harlow
Source: Fandom
when he talks about drinking pineapple juice so he can give women sweet semen. (emdot3)
#2 The Rock
Source: therock
I used to like him, but everything about him is so tired. It seems like he tries so hard to be the most... Everything. He wants to seem like the funniest guy, the most serious/professional guy, the hardest worker, the most laid-back... He really can't seem to get a handle on his non-wrestler image. (bizzonzzon)
I don't like his view on women (and often "not fit" people) and consequently how they are portrayed in his movies. (cactus_of_love)
#3 Pete Davidson
Source: petedavidson.93
Let's not forget about how much of a dick he was when he was still dating Arianna and the Manchester bombings happened. He just made a joke about it. (freewinonatshirt)
He’s been growing in popularity since Ariana made him famous. I just don’t see the hype behind him and he’s done too much bad shit that gets a pass because he’s a “comedian”. Bc misogyny is so funny. (Bedazzledtoe)
#4 Machine Gun Kelly
Source: machinegunkelly
Remember when he did those nasty comments about underage Kendall Jenner? He's nasty asf, I deff side eye Megan for being with him. (j_h_s_)
#5 Tome Cruise
Source: tomcruise
#6 Austin Butler
Source: Wikipedia
Faking an accent (which he did even before campaigning for the role) became almost pathological for him. Like he felt he had no personality, and if he cut/pasted this to himself, he'd suddenly become popular. (comin_up_shawt)
#7 Emma Watson
Source: _emma__watsons_
If you had asked me this like 2-3 years ago, I would have said, Emma Watson. I didn't hate her (and still don't) or even dislike her as a person, I just did not like her as an actor. I kept my mouth shut though as it seemed like she was in every "big" movie and like everyone loved her. For a hot second, I honestly thought I was just a bitter negative nancy for not liking her in Beauty and the Beast and being annoyed with her casting in Little Women. But then there seemed to be a switch-up in opinion on the internet? it seems much more popular in every circle in 2022 to think she's not a good actress. (Folksma)
#8 Emma Chamberlain
Source: emmachamberlain
#9 Kim Kardashian
Source: kimkardashian
#10 Camila Cabello
Source: camila_cabello
#11 Doja Cat
Source: dojacat
For me, it’s Doja Cat. I think she’s such an incredible talent, and I was very excited to watch her career rise (I’ve been watching her since her silly meme songs), but the kind of drama she’s been embroiled in and the reaction to it has put me off her. I don’t think she needs to be “canceled” or anything, it’s just made me less interested in her as she comes across as a bit of a mean girl who can’t take criticism. (badjellywitch)
#12 Sebastian Stan
Source: imsebastianstan
#13 Harry Styles
Source: harrystyles
#14 Rachel Zegler
Source: rachelzegler