
10 Unexpected Reasons Celebs Couldn't Take The Role They Wanted

Every time we set goals or apply for the job we've always wanted, we get excited. We even put in more time and effort to fit into a job. It's the same to be a well-known actor or actress. Even celebrities lose out on possibilities, which is acceptable considering how badly they want something. It's essential to move on and take lessons from it.
The reasons why some celebrities' dream roles didn't pan out may surprise you, but we have put together a list of stars who came very close to getting them. Scroll down to see the ten unexpected reasons why celebs couldn't take the role they wanted.

1. Harry Styles

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Harry was really into the leading role in "Elvis". Unfortunately, the director said that he is talented, but the problem is that he is something iconic, and currently famous". As a result, Austin Butler took the role.

2. Tom Holland

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This case is pretty hilarious. Tom Holland wanted to get the role of Finn in Star War. But his audition didn't go well as he couldn't help laughing while auditioning.  “I just couldn’t stop laughing. I found it so funny. And I felt really bad because she was trying hard to be a convincing android or drone or whatever they’re called. Yeah, I didn’t get the part. That wasn’t my best moment.” He said

3. Freddie Prinze Jr.

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Freddie didn't get the audition right and lost his chance to play Peter Parker - his dream role. “I go into this whole universe on what my favorite parts of Spider-Man were, and I foolishly bring up the alien symbiote, which is Venom. When I left, I was like, ’You just talked about Venom instead of Spider-Man for 25 minutes,’ and I drove home so upset and angry.” He said

4. Andrew Garfield

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Andrew did want this role, wanted it badly. But, the reason why he couldn't take the role is that Ben Barnes outperformed him. “I remember I was so desperate. I auditioned for Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia, and I thought, ’This could be it, this could be it.’ And that handsome, brilliant actor, Ben Barnes, ended up getting the role. I think it was down to him and me, and I remember I was obsessed.” He said

5. Eddie Redmayne

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Eddie lost the role of Kylo Ren in Star War to Adam Driver because of a hilarious moment “That was really a hilarious moment. Because it was Nina Gold, who I have to thank a lot because she’s cast me in several films, and she was just sitting there, and I was trying again and again with different versions of my kind of ’koohh paaaah’ voice. 
He added And after like ten shots, she’s like, ’You got anything else?’ I was like, ’No.’”

6. Chris Klein

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Chris went to the audition for "Mamma Mia", and he lost the role because of singing... hmm, "not well enough." “I took a chance. I can’t sing! I don’t know why I was in there. But I took a chance! It’s a musical. Let’s see if I can give it a shot. And, you know, the way that they put it out there, it gets taken out of context and all that. It was really a dreadful audition.” He said

7. Robin Williams

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Robin was reportedly fond of the role of Hagrid in Harry Potter. But the director claimed that "Robin had called because he really wanted to be in the movie, but it was a British-only edict, and once he said no to Robin, he wasn’t going to say yes to anybody else, that’s for sure. It couldn’t be.”

8. Robert Redford

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Robert didn't get the role in "The Graduate" because the director told him that he couldn't play a loser: “We interviewed hundreds, maybe thousands of men. I said, ’You can’t play it. You can never play a loser.’ And Redford said, ’What do you mean? Of course, I can play a loser.’  He answered, ’OK, have you ever struck out with a girl?’ and he said, ’What do you mean?’ And he wasn’t joking.”

9. Sean Young

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Sean Young didn't get the role of Vicki Vale in Batman because of an accident. the role required lots of movement, so she couldn't play the part properly. "They did spring the horse-riding thing on me, and I fell and had an accident.” She said

10. Christian Bale

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Christain Bale went to the audition for the role of Jack in the famous movie: Titanic.  But the director chose Leonardo because he decided not to have 2 British actors play an American character.
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