
Internet Twists and Turns On Woman's Cat Suddenly Hates Her Boyfriend

Owning a pet while in a relationship can be significantly challenging. So, today's tale concerns a sweet rescue cat named Shiloh, who was taken in by a 22-year-old eager to save the cat.
For the first time, Shiloh got along well with her boyfriend. In addition, this woman's boyfriend had a cat allergy, but it didn't seem to matter for a while. A few months later, the cat has a hatred for the guy though the boyfriend says he didn't hurt, step on, or otherwise harm the cat when the girlfriend wasn't there.
The girlfriend truly believed him, but she held some doubts because her vet advised her that her cat would only suddenly begin acting in this manner if the man was physically abusing or abusing the cat in some other way.

You can find out more in the following paragraphs

Woman's CatSource: SnackAttack27

Woman's CatSource: SnackAttack27

Woman's CatSource: SnackAttack27

And in response to the story, here is what people were saying

Woman's CatSource: ThisIsSpata

Woman's CatSource: Darkingnight

Some users believed they misunderstood each other and that the boyfriend might not be responsible for the charge. They ought to collaborate to find a solution to this pet issue.
On the other hand, others warned the woman of a red flag in her relationship. Due to this, the woman should protect her fuzzy friend - Shiloh, and defend her against the boyfriend.

Woman's CatSource: NfinitNfinity

Users also shared their own cat problems, including when their cats were aggressive towards their boyfriends and girlfriends. However, they were actually fond of their cat's stupidity, so there would be no cat mistreatment by the owners.

Woman's CatSource: SpeckledEggs

Woman's CatSource: Senzokai

Woman's CatSource: TheGuyWhoResponds

Woman's CatSource: tigestoo

Woman's CatSource: justobsolete

Almost Reddit users said that it was just the cat's problem. Cats sometimes get psychological symptoms, and the woman should take Shiloh for a checkup to ensure she is not injured. Moreover, it was assumed that "cats are smart enough to be aware of the consequences of changes in position in the social order around them."
Some users supposed that she should have set up a hidden camera to gather reliable proof before bringing this problem up to her boyfriend for a serious discussion. Significantly, a comment said that, at the end of the day, Shiloh is just the cat and the hating motivation does not have to be reasonable.
What do you think about this story? We look forward to hearing what you think in the comments.
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