Preparing for a role is one of the most important processes for any performer. Proper research of a character and getting into the right mindset could help them better portray the characters they've been assigned. Although this process can help actors better understand their characters, it can be a particularly dangerous experience, depending on the life of the character and how far the actor goes.
Even so, the history of cinema is filled with performers who decided to take things to the next level in preparation for the roles of their lifetimes. They have to gain or lose weight and build mass muscles to fit the physique of the character they portray.
It won't be much of a surprise to see certain names here – Anne Hathaway and Kate Winslet are indeed included – but others (Natalie Portman and Michelle Pfeiffer, for example) may make you look twice.
#1 Lena Headey
Source: © Dredd / DNA Films, © Game of Thrones / HBO
The English actress has played some really extraordinary roles throughout her career, but as you know, the world got to know Lena in the role of Cersei "Lannister". In order to portray a vicious female criminal in the 2012 Dredd, Headey spent hours creating specific scars on her face.
#2 Gwyneth Paltrow
Source: © Shallow Hal / 20th Century Fox, © Mortdecai / MadisonWellsMedia
For her role in the comedy film Shallow Hal, Gwyneth had to fit a 12-kilo costume and do special latex makeup. The actress admitted that when she decided to walk down the street dressed in this costume, passers-by did not recognize her and even tried to avert their eyes.
#3 Anne Hathaway
Source: © Les Misérables / Working Title Films, © The Devil Wears Prada / 20th Century Fox
True to the name of the film Les Miserables, Anne Hathaway was required to lose weight to match the image of the Fantine character in this work. She had only a short time to balance her diet with dried oatmeal, radishes, and mashed beans. In the diet, Hathaway should not eat more than 500 calories per day.
#4 Charlize Theron
Source: © Monster / Newmarket Films, © Snow White & the Huntsman / Universal Pictures
With her uncanny beauty and impeccable talent, South African Charlize Theron has surpassed Hollywood beauty standards, gaining 11 kilos, shaving her eyebrows, wearing dentures (and, by the way, unattended. thorough) and facial prosthetics to play Aileen Wuornos, a real-life serial killer, in the movie "Monster". Result? The (deserved) Academy Award for Best Actress, 2003, proves that it's more than just a pretty face that's important.
#5 Cameron Diaz
Source: © Being John Malkovich / Astralwerks, Gramercy Pictures, Propaganda Films, Single Cell Pictures, © The Mask / New Line Cinema
Cameron Diaz (Cameron Diaz) is the sexiest American actress and model. For her role in Being John Malkovich, she won a BAFTA and a Golden Globe Award.
#6 Kate Winslet
Source: © The Reader / The Weinstein Company, © Titanic / 20th Century Fox
The beautiful actress Kate Winslet once sacrificed her youthful appearance to play an illiterate German woman who was convicted for the deaths of hundreds in the movie The Reader. This role brought the actress a prestigious Oscar. In order to have an old and wrinkled look, she had to rely on a dedicated makeup crew.
#7 Natalie Portman
Source: © Goya's Ghosts / The Saul Zaentz Company, © Closer / Sony Pictures Entertainment
Natalie Portman, Israeli-American actress Shave in V for Vendetta and portrayed as a victim of the Spanish Inquisition in The Ghosts of Goya.
#8 Nicole Kidman
Source: © The Hours / Miramax Films, © Moulin Rouge! / Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
The Hours' Virginia Woolf, played by Nicole Kidman, earned her an Oscar in 2003. She resembled her prototype a great deal thanks to the makeup. Moulin Rouge!The Others, Cold Mountain, Australia, Grace of Monaco, and many more are just a few of the movies in which the actress has played stunning women.
#9 Michelle Pfeiffer
Source: © Stardust / Paramount Pictures, © Hairspray / New Line Cinema
Hollywood beauty Michelle Pfeiffer has been very successful when transforming into a scary old witch in Matthew Vaugh's Stardust. Even when transformed into a beautiful image, her image does not disappoint despite being over 50 years old when participating in this film project.
#10 Drew Barrymore
Source: © Never Been Kissed / 20th Century Fox, © Charlie's Angels / Columbia Pictures
The novice representative of the Barrymore acting dynasty appeared on the screens at the age of 5. Since then, we have seen more than one significant transformation of Drew in the movies. We were given the opportunity to see Barrymore as a blonde beauty as well as a teenage girl with braces.
#11 Julia Roberts
Source: © Secret in Their Eyes / STX Entertainment, © Eat, Pray, Love / Columbia Pictures
Julia Roberts is no longer just a Hollywood beauty. After receiving an Academy Award for her role in the movie Erin Brockovich, everyone was convinced of Julia's boundless talent. In Secret In Their Eyes, Roberts played a detective whose daughter was brutally murdered.