8 Actors Who Refused Point-Blank To Get Intimate On-Screen
With most Hollywood films now have at least one bold, intimate scene and lip locks becoming commonplace, stars often do exactly what the director tells them. However, there are some actors and actresses who prefer to stick to their guns.
While many of us would absolutely love the chance to make out with the most well-known Hollywood actors, such as Colin Firth, Orlando Bloom, or Leonardo DiCaprio, there really are stars who have felt the exact opposite.
After all, it was their choice, so we really can't be too upset about that, even though we'll never actually know how many intensely intimate scenes we may have missed out on as a result of their choices. Which actors, then, refused to have an intimate scenes with their co-stars? Here they are, with a word of caution: Some of them may even be favorites of yours.
She decided because she did not want to portray the "male gaze" any longer. When the filmmakers "just need somebody to look hot," Knightley says, she can tell. As a result, she refuses to take part in films like these.
However, Fincher made a concession and changed the scene so Ali could work easier. On the final decision, he and his scene partner "begin to kiss, and then we fall out of the frame," Ali explained.
She has faced multiple talented directors and offers to work, but recalls that “the things the women are required to do in the movie are things I can’t have my sons ever know or see.”
First, he did not want his career to be defined by the role of the "romantic lead." Most importantly, he was motivated by love for his marriage. “Fidelity in every relationship — and especially my marriage — is important to me, and it just got to a point where I didn’t wanna do that,” the actor shared.
“They got in another girl to be a double. And they got her to do all this stuff,” shared Wilson. And after seeing the scene, she said, “I’m not doing it. I don’t care what you say.”
“I don’t have any judgment about anyone who chooses to do it,” she said. “I think it’s fantastic that people feel comfortable doing it.” However, Parker herself has a “principal position” regarding such scenes and would never act in one.
While many of us would absolutely love the chance to make out with the most well-known Hollywood actors, such as Colin Firth, Orlando Bloom, or Leonardo DiCaprio, there really are stars who have felt the exact opposite.
After all, it was their choice, so we really can't be too upset about that, even though we'll never actually know how many intensely intimate scenes we may have missed out on as a result of their choices. Which actors, then, refused to have an intimate scenes with their co-stars? Here they are, with a word of caution: Some of them may even be favorites of yours.
#1 Blake Lively
Source: © blakelively / Instagram, © blakelively / Instagram
#2 Julia Roberts
Source: © juliaroberts / Instagram, © juliaroberts / Instagram
#3 Keira Knightley
Source: AFP/EAST NEWS, © Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
She decided because she did not want to portray the "male gaze" any longer. When the filmmakers "just need somebody to look hot," Knightley says, she can tell. As a result, she refuses to take part in films like these.
#4 Mahershala Ali
Source: TOLGA AKMEN/AFP/East News, © Swan Song / Anonymous Content and co-producers
However, Fincher made a concession and changed the scene so Ali could work easier. On the final decision, he and his scene partner "begin to kiss, and then we fall out of the frame," Ali explained.
#5 Megan Fox
Source: Invision/Invision/East News
She has faced multiple talented directors and offers to work, but recalls that “the things the women are required to do in the movie are things I can’t have my sons ever know or see.”
#6 Penn Badgley
Source: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/East News, © You / Berlanti Productions and co-producers
First, he did not want his career to be defined by the role of the "romantic lead." Most importantly, he was motivated by love for his marriage. “Fidelity in every relationship — and especially my marriage — is important to me, and it just got to a point where I didn’t wanna do that,” the actor shared.
#7 Rebel Wilson
Source: © rebelwilson / Instagram, © The Almond and the Seahorse / Mad As Birds and co-producers
“They got in another girl to be a double. And they got her to do all this stuff,” shared Wilson. And after seeing the scene, she said, “I’m not doing it. I don’t care what you say.”
#8 Sarah Jessica Parker
Source: © sarahjessicaparker / Instagram, © Sex And The City / HBO and co-producers
“I don’t have any judgment about anyone who chooses to do it,” she said. “I think it’s fantastic that people feel comfortable doing it.” However, Parker herself has a “principal position” regarding such scenes and would never act in one.
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