Is There A Reason To Hate These 18 Public Figures?
While some celebrities are loathed by their fans, there are others that force us to fall in love. These celebrities appear to have no issue receiving it for free, even though the correct amount of money may purchase a particular kind of adoration. Here are 18 famous people whom everyone adores.
1. Maggie Smith
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"I still laugh at one of the most respected actresses saying 'sherbet lemon' in a serious voice in Harry Potter."
2. Alan Rickman
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3. Brendan Fraser
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From RedStradis
"Honestly he paved the way for The Rock to become this huge action star. Literally. Fraser was in Journey into the center of the earth and Johnson was in the sequel and replaced Fraser’s role as the father figure."
4. Steve Buscemi
Source: Getty Images
"The man is a certified legend!! Especially after 9/11 happened when other celebrities made appearances to boost their self images he “quietly”suited up (He’s a former NYC firefighter from before his acting career took off) and assisted other firefighters in rescuing people/cleaning up the debris with no intention other than to help those in need of being helped. I have so much respect for him because of that."
5. Mr. Rogers
Source: Getty Images
From Tikiwikibiki
"Watch the documentary, it's really sad, but a lot of people actually hated him because he told kids they were special. They said he was ruining America"
6. Sir David Attenborough
Source: Getty Images
From awyeratyourservice
"I sometimes play Planet Earth episodes and sleep to his calming voice like a lullaby."
7. Bob Ross
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From level 2 Frozen_Berry_0
"I was so mad at my mom bcuz she said she hates bob Ross cuz he’s “boring” like bruh"
8. Betty White
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9. Dolly
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"We get her books. They are really thoughtfully selected and beautiful books. Not crappy kids books. They have a big photo of her on the back of one. My daughter insists on giving Aunty Dolly a kiss every night before bed. Plus the woman just recreated a playboy cover for her husband to make him happy and got into a bunny suit. She is one of the great women of our time"
10. Robin Wiliams
Source: Getty Images
"I get sad every time I remember him, if I could bring any celebrity back to life it would definitely be him(hoping he could've a happy life now on)"
11. Keanu Reeves
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From Ambassador
"Tom Keanu Reeves life is one filled with tragedy yet with the monstrous earnings, he lives a rather simple life and generously gives to humanitarian causes they are dear to him"
12. John Candy
Source: Getty Images
13. Steve Irwin
Source: Getty Images
From bigheadowner
"Recently found this guy. Rest in peace, just an embodiment of the word "son of nature"
14. Rick Moranis
Source: Getty Images
"First name came to my mind. He is legend, he had given up a highly successful Hollywood career to raise his kids and be a full time single father, I have nothing but the deepest respect for him."
15. Paul Rudd
Source: Getty Images
"For sure I was thinking it had to be Paul Rudd. Who wouldn’t like him? He seems so fun and nice"
16. Levar Burton
Source: Getty Images
"That guy literally taught me how to read and created a lifelong friendship between me and my grandmother because of our shared love for books. I hope one day to meet him and say thank you.
EDIT: also thank you for the silver stranger!"
17. Danny DeVito
Source: Getty Images
"Danny DeVito is a national treasure, and I’ll fight anyone who says differently.
From Ns_Lanny :Completely! How her cared for Mara Wilson during the filming of Matilda and her mum passing, such a generous man!"
18. Alex Trebek
Source: Getty Images