Young Man Upset His Pregnant Partner By Insisting On Taking Puppy Home After Their Child Birth
Puppy is the angel for dog lovers' families, but it seems everything has its place and time. A baby dog isn't always the best gift for a dog person, especially when she is about to give birth to a child for the first time in her life. On the Reddit topic AITA (AmITheA**hole), a young pregnant woman shared her worries about her partner wanting to adopt a puppy right after her birth delivery. Here's the whole story!
Source: amitheasshole
She was nineteen years old, pregnant for the first time. Her boyfriend was one year older than her. They were dog persons and so were their families. After moving to a pet-friendly apartment, the young man told his girlfriend he'd found a cane Corso breeder. He was happily looking forwards to taking these puppies home. He persuaded her not to be afraid of his dreaming baby dogs, even when she felt highly anxiously overwhelmed.Source: amitheasshole
The girl baby was on the way but she didn't appear to be her dad's priority, which made the young woman confused. She loved dogs and didn't want to let her spouse down, but she predicted that she wouldn't be able to take good care of her newborn and the puppies at the same time when her partner was out ten to twelve hours a day for work. She brought up their problem to her boyfriend's father who used to be a single dad of four children. She hoped that maybe he could help her say it out, but it turned out the father didn't really care. She eventually claimed that she would not be responsible for his puppies, however, her man still "reassured" her all she needed to do was to keep them alive while he was away from them.Source: amitheasshole
A lot of comments took the young woman's side. They supposed the young man should put his child first. Cane Corso was a dangerous Italian breed whose puppies were hard to train. The young woman had her point in that situation. People didn't recommend them to adopt puppies at that critical time because it would be expensive and exhausting. They could foster them when the child got old enough. Besides, Cane Corso owners warned that those dogs were not safe and if anyone wanted to adopt one, they would have to be careful.Source: amitheasshole
Source: amitheasshole
Source: amitheasshole
Let us hear your opinion on this young woman's case. Do you think she overreacted or not? What would you do if you got stuck in the same situation? Finally, if you find this interesting and helpful, don't hesitate to support us by pressing like button and clicking to share!Share this article