
20 Most Passive Aggressive Signs At Stores That Will Make You Cringe

When was the last time you did any of the following at work?
  • Even when questioned, you didn't give your honest opinion on the matter
  • You were angry with someone, but you didn't tell them why.
  • You put off finishing a deliverable mostly because you didn't perceive its benefit.
  • In public, you gave someone acclaim; in private, you were critical of them.
  • In response to a conversation, you said, "Whatever you want is great. When that wasn't okay with you, you said, "Just tell me what you want me to do."
These are all indications that you are using passive-aggression, whether on purpose or not. You belong to that group whenever there is a discrepancy between what you say (passive) and what you do (aggressive). And while it's simple to spot a passive-aggressive coworker, such as the one who smiles and agrees with you but criticizes the idea behind your back, or the sarcastic direct report who always says, "But it was just a joke," it can be challenging to identify one's own passive-aggressive behaviors at work.
Customers are challenging to manage. But by putting up these humorous (and downright cranky) placards, the establishments you can see above have gone above and beyond in being passive aggressive to customers. These are the best or worst passive aggressive store or supermarket signs you'll ever see. Some of these are definitely grocery stores, and some of them may even be toy stores.
You will almost likely have to admit that these grocery signage are funny whether you agree with them or not. You could even laugh. If you've ever worked in retail or food service, you've probably seen some of them before as well. Some of them are also amusing notes to staff. However, if you laugh, nobody will look down on you. And if someone does judge you, it's probably going to be in the form of one of those passive-aggressive songs that people have heard in stores. Just the way guffaw-karma operates.

#1 You can!

#2 Moist bills

#3 Borrow a tissue

#4 Espresso and a puppy

#5 Walking stick

#6 Quit stealing our letters

#7 Prices subject to change

#8 Sold to gypsies

#9 No farts

#10 Asshole owner

#11 No peeing out at the backdoor

#12 Get in line

#13 15 minute break

#14 Please stop

#15 Tijuana is 3 hours south

#16 No complaining

#17 What's the point?

#18 F*ck off

#19 Heavy desk

#20 Not burger king

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