15 Fan Believable Hypotheses About Deadpool That Make You Wow
Years ago, Deadpool sprang onto the screen, and into our hearts, and has never gone. Our favorite merc with a mouth proved that superhero action films don't always have to be so serious. Fan theories are one of the fandoms' favorite pastimes, and there are many of them when it comes to the X-Men. We've compiled a list of some of the most intriguing fan theories about our favorite mutants.
TLDR: Before becoming Deadpool, Wade Wilson was a mutant with the power of super dexterity, and he underwent a secondary mutation to become Deadpool.
Watching the Deadpool movie again it occurs to me that while the healing factor allowed Deadpool to exceed the combat abilities of normal humans it doesn't fully explain his capabilities on its own.
No amount of regeneration would enable wade to accomplish feats like lining up a side flipping triple headshot, jumping off a three level overpass to land perfectly in the sunroof of a moving vehicle, throw a sword into the wheel of a moving motorcycle while jumping, throw a sword to puncture that oxygen chamber without hurting Vanessa, shoot a grenade out of a man's hand, or rack up a perfect score on skeeball.
Francis said that the treatment would activate any dormant mutant genes lurking is his DNA, but I don't think he had any. He had a subtle, but active mutation.
That's why the usual methods of mutating subjects didn't work on him until they went to the final hail Mary play of the oxygen chamber, which combined with the serum (which I imagine acts to destabilize your DNA) induced a secondary mutation.
TL;DR The universe needs certain events to happen or have the same effects on history in order to stay at peace, hints why the X-Men continuity is constantly changing.
The timeline is muddled and features characters looking different and being younger or older in places where they shouldn’t be. Sometimes they’re even undone and brought back to life (like why is Jean alive in DOFP yet she dies in Dark Phoenix?) My theory? In Days of Future Past, it’s confirmed that Kitty has been sending people back into the past multiple times to avoid death and such. Not only that, Deadpool has been using Cable’s watch as shown at the end of DP2.
What if, because of all the time travel from all these different points in time and different areas, the timeline was always changing and therefore couldn’t stay consistent.
Think of it as a the butterfly effect, where one small change in human history has a MASSIVE effect for the future.
Deadpool couldn't find Francis sooner because he keeps asking "Where's Francis?! Where's Francis?! " when everyone only knows him as "Ajax." A lot people must have been seriously confused before dying. Also... Why where did he get that many leads on Francis? The Agent Smith guy should have been his first and (probably) only lead.
It seems to me that Deadpool is prepared to go to unbelievable lengths just to d*ck about. He could grab one guy, beat the location out of him and then go straight to Francis.... but where's the fun in that? Not when he could play games with Francis by picking off his henchmen, and creating a ripple of rumour that there's this invincible masked nutjob on the loose and he's looking for him.
At the end of the day... Wade is a bit of a nobhead. His priorities are skewed. HIs need for revenge outweighed his desire to try and be with the woman he appears to love. And when trying to justify why... it's because he's not attractive anymore. Nothing to do with the trauma, or upending his life. Its not that much of a stretch to think he had a more peculiar agenda.
Deadpool has a practical reason to spew obscenities constantly and that's because he's in a state of constant pain. True, his superpowers allow him to regenerate quickly from practically any injury, but he's not immune to the pain that comes with each wound.
And maybe the process of accelerated tissue growth is painful as well. Now, the interesting thing about pain it's that there are random things that can help alleviate it: Eating, listening to music... and swearing. Seriously, there's a study that backs up the theory.
In some incarnations of the character Wade Wilson had a potty mouth before becoming Deadpool, but at the time he might have done that just for sh*ts and giggles. After the experiment that gave him his powers, he started doing it as a way to cope with the constant pain that he feels.
The opening scene alone pretty well alludes to this being the case with a wonderfully hilarious intro (even including one of 2 nods to Rob Liefelf) taking stabs at everyone involved in making the movie thus far. Other signs of this being the case include:
So obviously the connection here is Wade Wilson. I think the events that happen early in the movie (special ops with Wolverine and Wade) happened with the original Wade Wilson that we see in Deadpool. However, the mutant we see at the end of the X-Men Origins is a clone of Wade's and not actually him.
They sew his mouth shut because the cloning process didn't go quite right and the clone would just jabber constantly and incoherently. Actual Wade Wilson was never subjected to those experiments because he had quit the merc business by then to hang out in NY.
In the comics Wade specifically is not a mutant, he’s born human and has the mutant healing factor derived from Wolverine grafted onto his genes; because he wasn’t born with his powers this makes him a mutate.
It’s a point of humour in the comics that Deadpool claims he’s a mutant and a member of the X-Men when he really isn’t, so saying that his mutant gene is ‘dormant’ in the movie doesn’t sound right, especially when the writers have such a wealth of knowledge about the character.
Ajax injects Wade with an orange serum in the Workshop and then says he needs to put the patients through huge stresses to activate any ‘dormant mutant genes’. Here’s the theory, I’m assuming that the serum injected into Wade’s system on his ‘first day of superhero camp’ was the healing factor. Perhaps it was derived from old, decommissioned Weapon X facilities that might have housed Wolverine, although neither Wolverine nor the Weapon X program is mentioned by Ajax or his recruiter.
If this theory is anything to go on, it means that Deadpool isn’t a man with dormant mutant genes and he is instead a mutate, just like in the comics. I like to think that it adds another layer of depravity to Ajax and Angel, especially since this theory strongly implies that they’re able to choose which mutations to induce depending on the needs of their buyers.
Deadpool's final fight in the first film took place on a damaged helicarrier. (Although the director denies it, things have been altered in the MCU continuity to fit better with other films) Both Deadpool movies feature numerous references to the Avengers, with Deadpool 2 directly referencing characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye along with villains like Thanos, which means people know about what happened in Infinity War and Endgame.
Deadpool is the only FoXmen character that's likely gonna stay the same with the merger and both films have made a great amount of money as well. (He can also easily jump into different continuities so his addition isn't entirely hard to introduce already).If scheduled Deadpool 3 is likely gonna be the first MCU movie with X-men characters since the first 2 films released within a 2 year span so it could likely be released in 2020.
I've seen theorized that Wade Wilson had a sort of hyperkinesis which allows for his acute athleticism and accuracy in crazy feats which was present all along, well before he is granted his healing rate mutation via the chamber in the Deadpool film.
This allows him to make perfect shots, have perfect timing, cut bullets in half with a sword etc. BUT what if he had a different mutation, one that is the same as Domino's from Deadpool 2? Her abilities mean probability is altered to work in her favour. So is it possible he just happened to be really, really lucky all along and when he needed to have things work out for him, they usually did? Case in point is his healing rate mutation - is it a coincidence that his newfound mutation happens to negate the affect of the cancer?
Or was the probability of such a likelihood altered by the powers he's not even aware of. This explains his ability to some how always pull off outrageous stunts and also makes its all the more funny that he is so dismissive of Dominoes powers when they meet.
Since he isn't actually aware of his own positive-probability power, he doesn't grasp that such a thing is even possible and thinks she is batsh*t crazy. It also makes the joke about Weasel putting him in the Dead Pool even funnier, given he is highly unlikely to die, even before his healing rate mutation is active.
Intending to capture these various individuals to use as weapons for the purpose of furthering their own goals of world domination, Hydra looked to duplicate Project Rebirth and Captain America by experimenting on whatever mutants they could get their hands on.
This led to the formation of the Weapons Plus project which ran up to and included the creations of Nuke/Frank Simpson (Weapon 7), Wolverine (Weapon 10), the Stepford Cuckoos (Weapon 14) and Deadpool.
The X-Men would show up, wisk the mutant off and the minds of those who witnessed the events would be wiped by Xavier who would implant memories of a manmade or natural disaster to explain the destruction.
This remained the status quo for the mutant population until Vision was activated by the Avengers. Being a robot and possessing the mind stone which has a level of mental power Xavier was unable to overcome, some time after the events of Age of Ultron, Vision realized the existence of mutants and discovered Xavier as the source of why no one remembered them.
Visiting Xavier and being given an explanation, Vision agreed to keep Xavier's actions secret which will then ultimately be revealed in the aftermath of Infinity War.
After seeing Logan, the emptiness of the x-mansion makes more sense. Deadpool takes place a little before Logan. That's why the only X-Men we see are Colossus and Negasonic whatever. They're the only ones left. Also why Nega jokes about the mansion being destroyed--because it had only just been rebuilt after Xavier's meltdown.
This also explains the finale in Deadpool. The wreckage was left over the meltdown. Finally, that's why Angel and Francis are trying to make new mutants. Dr. Rice spells it out: they eliminated natural mutants so they could make their own. Of course, having seen Logan, we know Francis and Angel weren't the ones in charge.
They were employees of the alkali-transigen corporation. at that stage, they were still using fairly unsophisticated methods; it was as a result of Deadpool's rampage that they "went legit. "As a multinational pharmaceutical corporation, it would be way harder for someone like Deadpool to set them back.
tl; dr: If you traveled to the Deadpool movie universe, you could watch the X-Men movies there as well.
Every X-Men movie that has been made is a movie in the universe where Deadpool takes place. Notice the difference in tone of Deadpool and the X men franchise. Deadpool has a very dark comedic feel to it, while X Men has always had an idealistic feel to it.
Deadpool seems more grounded in its plot and ending (SPOILER: Wade doesn't get his face fixed) while in X Men, the heroes always get a somewhat happy ending which borders on being unrealistic at times.
X Men also tends to drum into one's head the theme that mutants should be accepted, while Deadpool portrays them as very violent destructive individuals who don't always have the interest of others at heart (case in point; Deadpool) which seems to show that X Men is a movie franchise catered to viewers.
So how did these movies come about? It's possible that Xavier's institute is behind the making of the X men movies, which would explains why the mutants are portrayed in a favourable light as well as the similarities in the building where Xavier's mansion is located.
Filming may have even taken place at the mansion itself. The movies were created in response to anti mutant stigma, due to mutants being used as assassins, to show others that mutants are better than that. This would explain why Colossus is always preaching to Deadpool about becoming a hero; he was indoctrinated with that philosophy by the Professor; that mutants can be heroes.
Wade Wilson in Wolverine: Origins looks just like Wade Wilson before he wen through Francis's fun tank experiment. But it's years and years later. I think in the new timeline, the original Wade Wilson moved to Canada before they could start experimenting on him. He had a son - named Wade Wilson.
Who became a mercenary but was not a mutant. The reason they try to recruit him in the move is because, in that reality it has been pointed out the males are the carriers of the X-gene.
They figure out Wade's father Wade was a mutant and since wade isn't know he has the gene - but it hasn't been activated. Which makes more sense than recruiting random violent guys, because hey it's a slave ring and you'd think being a fighter might be a negative to them overall. But something they would overlook for someone with big potential.
This was just a thought that popped into my head after watching Deadpool 2. According to the comics, Wade's healing factor also gives him a super metabolism. That's why he is able to eat that giant mountain of pancakes in Deadpool Vol. 2 #16, and in the Deadpool game, after chugging copious amounts of beer, DP says there's no point.
But in the movie after Vanessa dies, Wade is able to get drunk at the bar and the cocaine in Blind Al's obviously has an effect on him so is his healing factor starting to fade? Or maybe the super metabolism aspect of his powers just not there in the movies.
tl;dr: This is the story of Ajax's unrequited love for Deadpool, which drove him to do insane and unimaginable things to win the affection of the man he desired. And that story, I think, is a wonderfully warped and twisted love story, undeniably worthy of a place in the Deadpool universe.
On the surface, Deadpool is the story of Wade Wilson. A troubled mercenary who was diagnosed with cancer left his girlfriend, underwent an experimental mutation treatment, and then had to fight to get her back. Don't get me wrong, I love Deadpool. I think it's a fantastic movie. But, at face value, the plot is SUPER flimsy.
The characters and their choices make no sense. Why doesn't Wade just go back to Vanessa after getting cured? Is he really that shallow? Does he think she's that shallow? Why is Ajax fighting Deadpool at all? He knows Deadpool is basically immortal.
What is his plan even, when Deadpool arrives with TWO superheroes? At the very end, when Ajax's henchmen are all dead or unconscious, and he has the chance to escape in a big explosion, he instead decides to attack Deadpool barehanded! What possible motivation could he have?
I'll tell you. This story isn't ABOUT Vanessa and Wade. It's about FRANCIS and Wade.
1. Deadpool Was Still A Mutant
Source: Marvel Studio.
From Redditor u/spekter299:TLDR: Before becoming Deadpool, Wade Wilson was a mutant with the power of super dexterity, and he underwent a secondary mutation to become Deadpool.
Watching the Deadpool movie again it occurs to me that while the healing factor allowed Deadpool to exceed the combat abilities of normal humans it doesn't fully explain his capabilities on its own.
No amount of regeneration would enable wade to accomplish feats like lining up a side flipping triple headshot, jumping off a three level overpass to land perfectly in the sunroof of a moving vehicle, throw a sword into the wheel of a moving motorcycle while jumping, throw a sword to puncture that oxygen chamber without hurting Vanessa, shoot a grenade out of a man's hand, or rack up a perfect score on skeeball.
Francis said that the treatment would activate any dormant mutant genes lurking is his DNA, but I don't think he had any. He had a subtle, but active mutation.
That's why the usual methods of mutating subjects didn't work on him until they went to the final hail Mary play of the oxygen chamber, which combined with the serum (which I imagine acts to destabilize your DNA) induced a secondary mutation.
2. The X-Men's Changes Are Because Of Kitty And Deadpool
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/filmnerd14:TL;DR The universe needs certain events to happen or have the same effects on history in order to stay at peace, hints why the X-Men continuity is constantly changing.
The timeline is muddled and features characters looking different and being younger or older in places where they shouldn’t be. Sometimes they’re even undone and brought back to life (like why is Jean alive in DOFP yet she dies in Dark Phoenix?) My theory? In Days of Future Past, it’s confirmed that Kitty has been sending people back into the past multiple times to avoid death and such. Not only that, Deadpool has been using Cable’s watch as shown at the end of DP2.
What if, because of all the time travel from all these different points in time and different areas, the timeline was always changing and therefore couldn’t stay consistent.
Think of it as a the butterfly effect, where one small change in human history has a MASSIVE effect for the future.
3. If Deadpool Used 'Ajax' He Would Find Francis Sooner
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/dalundum:Deadpool couldn't find Francis sooner because he keeps asking "Where's Francis?! Where's Francis?! " when everyone only knows him as "Ajax." A lot people must have been seriously confused before dying. Also... Why where did he get that many leads on Francis? The Agent Smith guy should have been his first and (probably) only lead.
It seems to me that Deadpool is prepared to go to unbelievable lengths just to d*ck about. He could grab one guy, beat the location out of him and then go straight to Francis.... but where's the fun in that? Not when he could play games with Francis by picking off his henchmen, and creating a ripple of rumour that there's this invincible masked nutjob on the loose and he's looking for him.
At the end of the day... Wade is a bit of a nobhead. His priorities are skewed. HIs need for revenge outweighed his desire to try and be with the woman he appears to love. And when trying to justify why... it's because he's not attractive anymore. Nothing to do with the trauma, or upending his life. Its not that much of a stretch to think he had a more peculiar agenda.
4. Deadpool Has A Reason To Spew Obscenities Continuously
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/Vexelius:Deadpool has a practical reason to spew obscenities constantly and that's because he's in a state of constant pain. True, his superpowers allow him to regenerate quickly from practically any injury, but he's not immune to the pain that comes with each wound.
And maybe the process of accelerated tissue growth is painful as well. Now, the interesting thing about pain it's that there are random things that can help alleviate it: Eating, listening to music... and swearing. Seriously, there's a study that backs up the theory.
In some incarnations of the character Wade Wilson had a potty mouth before becoming Deadpool, but at the time he might have done that just for sh*ts and giggles. After the experiment that gave him his powers, he started doing it as a way to cope with the constant pain that he feels.
5. Deadpool Composed His Own Film
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/tophatpainter:The opening scene alone pretty well alludes to this being the case with a wonderfully hilarious intro (even including one of 2 nods to Rob Liefelf) taking stabs at everyone involved in making the movie thus far. Other signs of this being the case include:
- Ryan Reynolds staring in it. The only person currently that can prove what Deadpool looked like before the Weapon X treatment is Deadpool. Deadpool is the only person that said he looked like Reynolds.
- the bullets literally having the numbers remaining on them.
- He has full control of the movie pacing but unlike in the comics only interacts with the viewers (in the comics he will interact with the editors/artists as well - and they with him).
- He also takes stabs at the "studio" for not being able to get more X-Men involved.
- Colossus is f*cking enormous, much more so than he has been perceived in other movies. This could very well play to Deadpool's ego, since Colossus kicked his a** (or just sort of stand around while Deadpool hilariously kicks his own a** on Colossus). Deadpool will admit he gets beat up but he's going to have to play that up a bit
- Colossus also almost begging Deadpool to join the X-Men is pure fantasy in Deadpool's mind. While he's been on all sorts of teams, no one begs him to join.
- While Deadpool is renowned as being quite the fighter and martial artist, I think some of the fight scenes push the limits just to make Deadpool look cool and maybe remembered a bit differently than actual events. I'm not suggesting he didn't win all of those fights, just that there was some pizzazz that I think he added.
- And finally, Deadpool gets the girl. Deadpool's story is much more tragic than all that. While he's been married a dozen times, he doesn't really "get the girl, "at least not like that. I'm probably pointing something that is pretty obvious to Deadpool fans but my friends missed the possibility of this being the case so thought I'd share. Regardless, f*cking great movie.
6. Deadpool In 'X-Men: Origins' Is A Clone
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/RygarTargaryanSo obviously the connection here is Wade Wilson. I think the events that happen early in the movie (special ops with Wolverine and Wade) happened with the original Wade Wilson that we see in Deadpool. However, the mutant we see at the end of the X-Men Origins is a clone of Wade's and not actually him.
They sew his mouth shut because the cloning process didn't go quite right and the clone would just jabber constantly and incoherently. Actual Wade Wilson was never subjected to those experiments because he had quit the merc business by then to hang out in NY.
7. Source Of Deadpool's Healing Factor
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/Chiyonosake_:In the comics Wade specifically is not a mutant, he’s born human and has the mutant healing factor derived from Wolverine grafted onto his genes; because he wasn’t born with his powers this makes him a mutate.
It’s a point of humour in the comics that Deadpool claims he’s a mutant and a member of the X-Men when he really isn’t, so saying that his mutant gene is ‘dormant’ in the movie doesn’t sound right, especially when the writers have such a wealth of knowledge about the character.
Ajax injects Wade with an orange serum in the Workshop and then says he needs to put the patients through huge stresses to activate any ‘dormant mutant genes’. Here’s the theory, I’m assuming that the serum injected into Wade’s system on his ‘first day of superhero camp’ was the healing factor. Perhaps it was derived from old, decommissioned Weapon X facilities that might have housed Wolverine, although neither Wolverine nor the Weapon X program is mentioned by Ajax or his recruiter.
If this theory is anything to go on, it means that Deadpool isn’t a man with dormant mutant genes and he is instead a mutate, just like in the comics. I like to think that it adds another layer of depravity to Ajax and Angel, especially since this theory strongly implies that they’re able to choose which mutations to induce depending on the needs of their buyers.
8. The Deadpool Movies,Happen After The Incident Of 'Infinity War' And 'Endgame'
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/unusedreddit:Deadpool's final fight in the first film took place on a damaged helicarrier. (Although the director denies it, things have been altered in the MCU continuity to fit better with other films) Both Deadpool movies feature numerous references to the Avengers, with Deadpool 2 directly referencing characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye along with villains like Thanos, which means people know about what happened in Infinity War and Endgame.
Deadpool is the only FoXmen character that's likely gonna stay the same with the merger and both films have made a great amount of money as well. (He can also easily jump into different continuities so his addition isn't entirely hard to introduce already).If scheduled Deadpool 3 is likely gonna be the first MCU movie with X-men characters since the first 2 films released within a 2 year span so it could likely be released in 2020.
9. Deadpool's Mutations
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/ObtuseOblong:I've seen theorized that Wade Wilson had a sort of hyperkinesis which allows for his acute athleticism and accuracy in crazy feats which was present all along, well before he is granted his healing rate mutation via the chamber in the Deadpool film.
This allows him to make perfect shots, have perfect timing, cut bullets in half with a sword etc. BUT what if he had a different mutation, one that is the same as Domino's from Deadpool 2? Her abilities mean probability is altered to work in her favour. So is it possible he just happened to be really, really lucky all along and when he needed to have things work out for him, they usually did? Case in point is his healing rate mutation - is it a coincidence that his newfound mutation happens to negate the affect of the cancer?
Or was the probability of such a likelihood altered by the powers he's not even aware of. This explains his ability to some how always pull off outrageous stunts and also makes its all the more funny that he is so dismissive of Dominoes powers when they meet.
Since he isn't actually aware of his own positive-probability power, he doesn't grasp that such a thing is even possible and thinks she is batsh*t crazy. It also makes the joke about Weasel putting him in the Dead Pool even funnier, given he is highly unlikely to die, even before his healing rate mutation is active.
10. Deadpool And Wolverine Were Completed By Hydra
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/iamcomicsexplained:Intending to capture these various individuals to use as weapons for the purpose of furthering their own goals of world domination, Hydra looked to duplicate Project Rebirth and Captain America by experimenting on whatever mutants they could get their hands on.
This led to the formation of the Weapons Plus project which ran up to and included the creations of Nuke/Frank Simpson (Weapon 7), Wolverine (Weapon 10), the Stepford Cuckoos (Weapon 14) and Deadpool.
The X-Men would show up, wisk the mutant off and the minds of those who witnessed the events would be wiped by Xavier who would implant memories of a manmade or natural disaster to explain the destruction.
This remained the status quo for the mutant population until Vision was activated by the Avengers. Being a robot and possessing the mind stone which has a level of mental power Xavier was unable to overcome, some time after the events of Age of Ultron, Vision realized the existence of mutants and discovered Xavier as the source of why no one remembered them.
Visiting Xavier and being given an explanation, Vision agreed to keep Xavier's actions secret which will then ultimately be revealed in the aftermath of Infinity War.
11. Deadpool' Happens After 'Logan'
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/rasellers0:After seeing Logan, the emptiness of the x-mansion makes more sense. Deadpool takes place a little before Logan. That's why the only X-Men we see are Colossus and Negasonic whatever. They're the only ones left. Also why Nega jokes about the mansion being destroyed--because it had only just been rebuilt after Xavier's meltdown.
This also explains the finale in Deadpool. The wreckage was left over the meltdown. Finally, that's why Angel and Francis are trying to make new mutants. Dr. Rice spells it out: they eliminated natural mutants so they could make their own. Of course, having seen Logan, we know Francis and Angel weren't the ones in charge.
They were employees of the alkali-transigen corporation. at that stage, they were still using fairly unsophisticated methods; it was as a result of Deadpool's rampage that they "went legit. "As a multinational pharmaceutical corporation, it would be way harder for someone like Deadpool to set them back.
12. Deadpool Happens In A Universe Where Other X-Men Movies Are A Movie Too
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/R4ym3n:tl; dr: If you traveled to the Deadpool movie universe, you could watch the X-Men movies there as well.
Every X-Men movie that has been made is a movie in the universe where Deadpool takes place. Notice the difference in tone of Deadpool and the X men franchise. Deadpool has a very dark comedic feel to it, while X Men has always had an idealistic feel to it.
Deadpool seems more grounded in its plot and ending (SPOILER: Wade doesn't get his face fixed) while in X Men, the heroes always get a somewhat happy ending which borders on being unrealistic at times.
X Men also tends to drum into one's head the theme that mutants should be accepted, while Deadpool portrays them as very violent destructive individuals who don't always have the interest of others at heart (case in point; Deadpool) which seems to show that X Men is a movie franchise catered to viewers.
So how did these movies come about? It's possible that Xavier's institute is behind the making of the X men movies, which would explains why the mutants are portrayed in a favourable light as well as the similarities in the building where Xavier's mansion is located.
Filming may have even taken place at the mansion itself. The movies were created in response to anti mutant stigma, due to mutants being used as assassins, to show others that mutants are better than that. This would explain why Colossus is always preaching to Deadpool about becoming a hero; he was indoctrinated with that philosophy by the Professor; that mutants can be heroes.
13. Wade Wilson Is Deadpool's Dad
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/mmm3says:Wade Wilson in Wolverine: Origins looks just like Wade Wilson before he wen through Francis's fun tank experiment. But it's years and years later. I think in the new timeline, the original Wade Wilson moved to Canada before they could start experimenting on him. He had a son - named Wade Wilson.
Who became a mercenary but was not a mutant. The reason they try to recruit him in the move is because, in that reality it has been pointed out the males are the carriers of the X-gene.
They figure out Wade's father Wade was a mutant and since wade isn't know he has the gene - but it hasn't been activated. Which makes more sense than recruiting random violent guys, because hey it's a slave ring and you'd think being a fighter might be a negative to them overall. But something they would overlook for someone with big potential.
14. Wade's Powers
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/calebsaurusRAWR:This was just a thought that popped into my head after watching Deadpool 2. According to the comics, Wade's healing factor also gives him a super metabolism. That's why he is able to eat that giant mountain of pancakes in Deadpool Vol. 2 #16, and in the Deadpool game, after chugging copious amounts of beer, DP says there's no point.
But in the movie after Vanessa dies, Wade is able to get drunk at the bar and the cocaine in Blind Al's obviously has an effect on him so is his healing factor starting to fade? Or maybe the super metabolism aspect of his powers just not there in the movies.
15. The Villain Ajax Had A Chemistry With Wade 'Deadpool' Wilson
Source: Marvel Studio
From Redditor u/ThePopcornIsntReal:tl;dr: This is the story of Ajax's unrequited love for Deadpool, which drove him to do insane and unimaginable things to win the affection of the man he desired. And that story, I think, is a wonderfully warped and twisted love story, undeniably worthy of a place in the Deadpool universe.
On the surface, Deadpool is the story of Wade Wilson. A troubled mercenary who was diagnosed with cancer left his girlfriend, underwent an experimental mutation treatment, and then had to fight to get her back. Don't get me wrong, I love Deadpool. I think it's a fantastic movie. But, at face value, the plot is SUPER flimsy.
The characters and their choices make no sense. Why doesn't Wade just go back to Vanessa after getting cured? Is he really that shallow? Does he think she's that shallow? Why is Ajax fighting Deadpool at all? He knows Deadpool is basically immortal.
What is his plan even, when Deadpool arrives with TWO superheroes? At the very end, when Ajax's henchmen are all dead or unconscious, and he has the chance to escape in a big explosion, he instead decides to attack Deadpool barehanded! What possible motivation could he have?
I'll tell you. This story isn't ABOUT Vanessa and Wade. It's about FRANCIS and Wade.
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