
15 Celebrity Names You've Been Mispronouncing

For most people, including superstars, a person's name is weird. A-list celebrities have made a name for themselves in the Entertainment industry. Some celebrities pick names that are quite simple to say. Some celebrities change their names to make themselves more recognizable or to avoid embarrassment. On the other hand, many actresses, singers, and models have faced mispronunciation of their names. We're at a loss for words just trying to describe their most recent film role because their names are so complicated. The respect that comes with being a successful entertainer does not always imply that their names are pronounced correctly.
In this post, we have done a surprising list. We're also breaking down the phonetic pronunciation of those celebrity names you can't quite grasp. Scroll on to check out a handful of celebrities whose names have long been butchered by the media and the general public, and find out how to properly pronounce them, too!

#1 Ralph Fiennes – “Rafe”

Ralph Fiennes, better known as Voldemort, has a difficult-to-pronounce name. It's "Rafe," like "safe," and not "Ralph," like "every other common name." (Since we're on the topic, it's "Voldemore," not "Voldemort."

#2 Guy Fieri – “Fee-eddy”

Even though he is America's favorite wildman, his name is frequently mispronounced. Guy Fieri's surname is not pronounced the same way as the sports car manufacturer. Fee-eddy, to be exact.

#3 Alicia Silverstone – “Alee-see-uh”

People seem to have forgotten that Alicia Silverstone's name is quite simple. It's "Alicia," as in Alee-see-a, not "Alisha."

#4 Lindsay Lohan – “Low-en”

Even though LiLo has been in the entertainment industry since she was a child, her name is mispronounced by everyone. Low-en is the correct spelling, not Low-han.

#5 Chrissy Teigen – “TIE-gen”

Teigen frequently mispronounces her name. She has misled people into believing it is TEE-gen rather than TIE-gen.

#6 Domnhall Gleeson – “Donal”

The name Domnhall Gleeson may appear to be confusing, but it is not. You should pronounce it "Donal," just like the word 'tonal.' The added "M" simply adds to our confusion.

#7 Hasan Minhaj – “Ha-sin Min-haj”

Hasan is usually pronounced as "Hasin," which rhymes with "gas-in." Ha-sin Min-haj is the correct spelling.

#8 Amanda Seyfried – “Sigh-fred”

Even Amanda Seyfried and her sister had trouble pronouncing their name. Her sister pronounces it "Sigh-freed," but she pronounces it "Sigh-fred."

#9 Timothée Chalamet – “Tim-o-they”

Chalamet, the actor best known for his role as a sandy messiah in Denis Villeneuve's "Dune", does not pronounce his name with an "ee" at the end. He says "they."

#10 Mia Wasikowska – “Wah-sih-kow-ska”

She is well-known for her parts in coming-of-age films. Mia Wasikowska has a difficult-to-pronounce surname. It is, however, not as awful as it appears. “Wah-sih-kow-ska.”

#11 Dacre Montgomery – “D+ Acre”

His name looks ridiculously difficult to pronounce but it’s just Dacre – like acre, but with a D.

#12 Camila Cabello – “Cabejo”

The last name of the Cuban-American singer is not pronounced with an American LL (Cabello). It's a Spanish name with a 'J' sound (Cabejo).

#13 Jake Gyllenhaal – “Yillen hail-oh”

For many people, Jake's surname is a challenge to pronounce. If you're Swedish, you'll be kicked out. His name," Yillen hailoh", is pronounced like an Ikea term.

#14 Denis Villeneuve – “Den-ee Vill-nev-en”

Denis Villeneuve is best known for his films "Arrival" and "Dune", both of which he directed. None of this, however, has helped him pronounce his name more easily. Many people mistakenly refer to him as 'Dennis Villenview,' although his name is pronounced 'Den-ee Vill-nev-en.'

#15 Chiwetel Ejiofor – “Chew-it-tell Edge-ee-oh-four”

"Chiwetel Ejiofor" is a non-white, difficult-to-pronounce name for most Americans. "The Doctor Strange" star's name, on the other hand, is extremely simple to say. "Chew-it-tell Edge-ee-oh-Four" is all it is.
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