Pet Owners Share Reasons They Had To Bring Their Pets To The Vet, Here Are The Most Ridiculous Ones
One Twitter user Kristin Chirico started a hilarious thread about ridiculously funny emergency vet bills by sharing her own story. "Lmao we just paid 800 dollars to be told that our dog is 8 and a half," she wrote.
Kristin’s Twitter thread went viral and had a ton of pet owners replied with their funny stories. They panicked and rushed to bring their pets to the vet, only to realize that there was nothing to worry about.
If you want to have a smile on your face and make your day brighter, scroll down to enjoy. Don't forget to share this article with friends. If you have stories about your not-so-serious vet visits, feel free to share them with us in the comment below!

Source: vanessa_young56
Source: eeveeluti0n
Source: prettybaddie27
Source: mysta42
Source: ai_valentin
Source: _parasocial
#7 "Happy tail syndrome" is the cutest name for a sore/sprained doggy tail.
Source: emilygmonster
#8 Snoop doggy dooooog!!
Source: alicesauras
#9 Factory reset
Source: awkwardsince86
#10 It’s not the cats fault if you overfeed.
Source: easykidmp3
#11 Who paid the $600 then? Do not keep us in suspense!
Source: McJesse
#12 Oh, wow. I wonder how the vets know these things. Seems oddly specific.
Source: PaladinAmber
Source: jbaggs
#14 Look at his wittle faaaaaaaace
Source: fionafraser
Source: ByRobinEpley
#16 Shoulda just waited for him to blow a bubble...
Source: observedbriefly
Source: PippityPip
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Source: sofapflanze1
Source: Deangeville
Source: ItsKatBiscuits
Source: cornmaes
Source: cr0mbling
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Source: kateiwall
Source: c_e_l_i_ne
Source: amandakstorey
Source: Alexandra_JFG
Source: skeletonman20
Source: heidi_mariee
Source: Dragonette90
Source: ArinTX
Source: TheTinaVasquez
Source: OctopusGallery
Source: tinytelephones
Source: stinapag
Source: dykotomee
Source: BengalKathy
Source: chmoneyb
Source: JessRunsHappy