12 Celebrities Who Have Embraced The Single Life To The Fullest
An increasing number of women are choosing to stay single. For them, being single isn't a bad rap. They feel free when they can sleep all day on their bed, eat chips on the sofa and never have to compromise with their partner.
Hollywood is also full of women who are happy to be single. They are happily self-partnered, whether they’re long-term singletons or they’ve carved out a life for themselves that doesn’t depend on a significant other. They neither get anything against love nor ridicule people who fall in love. However, when it comes to their own romantic lives, they don't believe that settling down into a couple is not the ultimate mark of success in life. Instead, they devote their time and energy to their career, families, and even themselves. They make their single life look like an adventure, a not-so-scary choice.
Here are 12 famous women who decide not to tie the knot and have no regrets.
Hollywood is also full of women who are happy to be single. They are happily self-partnered, whether they’re long-term singletons or they’ve carved out a life for themselves that doesn’t depend on a significant other. They neither get anything against love nor ridicule people who fall in love. However, when it comes to their own romantic lives, they don't believe that settling down into a couple is not the ultimate mark of success in life. Instead, they devote their time and energy to their career, families, and even themselves. They make their single life look like an adventure, a not-so-scary choice.
Here are 12 famous women who decide not to tie the knot and have no regrets.
#1 Charlize Theron, 46 years old
Source: East News
#2 Emilia Clarke, 35 years old
#3 Kristin Davis, 57 years old
Source: East News
#4 Kylie Minogue, 53 years old
Source: East News
#5 Diane Keaton, 76 years old
#6 Oprah Winfrey, 68 years old
#7 Lucy Liu, 53 years old
Source: © Priscilla Grant / Everett Collection / East News, © Sipa USA / Sipa USA / East News
#8 Dana Delany, 66 years old
Source: Hahn Lionel
#9 Winona Ryder, 50 years old
#10 Patricia Kaas, 55 years old
Source: dpa
#11 Edie Falco, 58 years old
Source: East News
#12 Sheryl Crow, 60 years old
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