14 Hurt-To-Do Decisions That MCU Heroes Have Made
Contrary to popular belief, the most chaotic MCU characters aren't always the bad guys. What makes the MCU heroes so charming is that they're all a bunch of knuckleheads, even those with serious military backgrounds who appear a touch spiky on the surface. At the end of the day, all of these characters make a lot of crazy choices. And, while some of these judgments are dreadful and have disastrous consequences, many of these out-of-the-box ideas have contributed to the Avengers' sustained success.
What other superhero team would use a time machine to undo their biggest defeat to their deadliest foe? With personalities like Scott Lang and Peter Parker on hand, you never know how odd an idea will be or whether it will succeed.
Hawkeye, as his name suggests, enjoys getting a bird's-eye view of any scenario. As a result, when the would-be god enters the facility he's meant to defend, Hawkeye decides to ride in a crane far above everything. As if the heights weren't terrifying enough, it's also raining heavily as Clint Barton watches Thor fail to hoist Mjolnir from a great height.
What other superhero team would use a time machine to undo their biggest defeat to their deadliest foe? With personalities like Scott Lang and Peter Parker on hand, you never know how odd an idea will be or whether it will succeed.
1. Iron Man Attempted To Swipe The Tesseract By Letting Himself A Cardiac Event
Source: Marvel Studio
2. Thor Destroyed Asgard So Hela Couldn't Take Control Of It
Source: Marvel Studio
3. Doctor Strange Tested The Time Stone On The Fly To Trick Dormammu Into A Time Loop
Source: Marvel Studio
4. Tony Stark Penetrated A Terrorist Sanctuary Armed With Makeshift Weapons From A Hardware Store
Source: Marvel Studio
5. Thor Threw Mjolnir To Get Loki To Reveal Himself
Source: Marvel Studio
6. Rocket Filled A Forest With Traps To Play Joke On The Ravagers
Source: Marvel Studio
7. Nick Fury Broke Into Captain America's Apartment To Fake His Death
Source: Marvel Studio
8. Star-Lord With His Dance-Off
Source: Marvel Studio
9. Hulk Hit Loki Around Like A Doll
Source: Marvel Studio
10. Wasp Destroyed A Motorcycle With A Huge Hello Kitty Pez Dispenser
Source: Marvel Studio
11. Spider-Man Imitated A Old Movie To Fight Ebony Maw
Source: Marvel Studio
12. Ant-Man Went Into The Quantum Realm To Beat Yellowjacket
Source: Marvel Studio
13. Scarlet Witch Defeated Vision And Wrecked Several Floors
Source: Marvel Studio
14. Hawkeye Tried To Take Control Of Thor
Source: Marvel Studio
Hawkeye, as his name suggests, enjoys getting a bird's-eye view of any scenario. As a result, when the would-be god enters the facility he's meant to defend, Hawkeye decides to ride in a crane far above everything. As if the heights weren't terrifying enough, it's also raining heavily as Clint Barton watches Thor fail to hoist Mjolnir from a great height.
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