25 Times MCU Fans Share Sharpest Observations About MCU Movies, They Actually Hit The Jackpot
The superheroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) have dominated the worldwide box offices for decades. It's not exaggerated to say they are now dominating the modern landscape of cinema, as MCU superhero films are ranked the highest-grossing films of its genre. Thanks to the global success of its films, MCU superheroes all rise to fame, becoming Hollywood A-listers. People love their characters and their off-screen selves, too.
Certainly, there are some MCU superhero films that you have watched several times. The plot, the characters, the action scenes, and the CGI effects are all great. But did you notice anything new about the film after watching it? Some did, and some didn't. We know that some details need eagled eyes to drag them out of the screen. You may even win the lottery if you find out some. And these 25 MCU fans did hit the jackpot with their sharp observations about MCU films. Scroll down to check them out!
Certainly, there are some MCU superhero films that you have watched several times. The plot, the characters, the action scenes, and the CGI effects are all great. But did you notice anything new about the film after watching it? Some did, and some didn't. We know that some details need eagled eyes to drag them out of the screen. You may even win the lottery if you find out some. And these 25 MCU fans did hit the jackpot with their sharp observations about MCU films. Scroll down to check them out!
#1 In Thor Ragnarok (2017), the pattern on this wall is a reference to Fantastic Four" #64 (published in 1967).
Source: @Numerous-Lemon
#2 In Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), the man on the far left is Ed Brubaker. He is a notable comic books writer. In 2005, he created the "Winter Soldier" character while writing for Captain America.
Source: @Numerous-Lemon
#3 In Spider-Man (2002) after recieving the news of his dismissal from the board of Oscorp, Norman Osborn goes through the five stages of grief in a microcosm.
Source: @loorollkid
#4 In Ocean's 13, 2007, Basher tells Benedict "You don't run the same gag twice. You do the next gag." The team then proceeds to pull the same gag twice. (Explanation in Comments)
Source: @Purgamtz
#5 All the phone numbers in Marvel movies like Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019) start with a 1 after the area code (the Central Office Code) because they're "impossible" phone numbers according to the NANP
Source: @CrepusculrPulchrtude
#6 Avengers: Endgame - In the support group scene, the man wearing the glasses is Jim Starlin aka the creator of Thanos from the Marvel comics.
Source: @bolderandbrasher
#7 (MCU 2008) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the number 12 is repeated alot (these are only some examples) This is because 12 is the highest one syllable number so it works well in jokes
Source: @oubleoeck1234
#8 Venom: Let there be carnage (2021) Stan Lee reference in Mrs. Chen's store. Venom even pushes the magazine in place as a tribute.
#9 In the very first spoken line of Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), Maria Hill addresses Fury as "Nick". We know from Captain Marvel (2019) that NOBODY calls him "Nick". Rest in comments.
Source: @CptCheez
#10 In a Marvel Interview, David Tennant said he thought Ant-Man would cry at the book The Fault In Our Stars. In Ant Man and The Wasp (2018), Scott is seen crying whilst reading it near the film's beginning.
Source: @Olibotactually
#11 In Marvel's The Avengers, after Hawkeye says "They can't bank worth a damn, find a tight corner", Jarvis immediately plots a route around a corner on Tony's helmet display.
Source: @InteriorEmotion
#12 In Captain Marvel (2019), there's a cameo in the train station by a bespectacled, red-haired woman. That's Kelly Sue DeConnick, who not only wrote a series of Captain Marvel comics but was also a consultant on the film.
Source: @TheOtherAvaz
#13 In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stark/Avengers Tower isn't just in the same place as the real-life Metlife Building—it was built on top of it.
Source: @Hamton52
#14 In Captain Marvel, Nick Fury shows his id which has his date of birth 07/04/1950. Happy Birthday Fury!!!
Source: @amrit-9037
#15 Iron Man 2 (2010), after rediscovering a new element hidden by his father, he asks to search the Oracle Grid for projects from Pegasus, Exodus, and Goliath. Pegasus: light speed engine (Captain Marvel), Exodus: research on human mutants (X-men), Goliath: experimented with Pym Particles (Ant Man)
Source: @minibogstar
#16 In Thor (2011) the name on the ID Dr. Selvig tries to use to get Thor out of SHIELD detainment is Dr. Donald Blake. This is also the name of Thor’s alter ego in the comics
Source: @onemm
#17 In Ironman 1(2008) Obadiah struggles to make a arc reactor small enough to fit his armor. In Civil War(2016) we can see a small arc reactor in tony wrist watch showing how far Tony developed his technology
Source: @SkepticalSpaghetti
#18 In Avengers: Endgame, Tony Stark’s fall off Stark Tower parallels his fall in Marvel’s The Avengers, including the Mark 85 and Mark 7 suit-ups, respectively. The nanotech Mark 85 suit-up is more nonchalant and roughly 3x faster than the Mark 7, emphasizing how advanced his technology has become.
Source: @IronManConnoisseur
#19 In Deadpool (2016) the pizza place Wade orders From is called Feige’s Famous, which is possibly a nod towards Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios.
Source: @NHrynchuk
#20 In Spiderman (2002) Peter is drawing ideas for his costume and symbol, one of his (discarded) ideas for a symbol looks a lot like another Marvel arachnidly named hero... Black Widow
Source: @banjosandcellos
#21 In Infinity War (2018), Kenneth Brannagh voices the distress call at the start of the movie. He was the director of Thor (2011).
Source: @banjosandcellos
#22 In Doctor Strange (2016), Benedict Cumberbatch played the protagonist and also the main antagonist, Dormammu. He provided both the voice and the performance capture for the CGI face of Dormammu.
Source: @CrepusculrPulchrtude
#23 In Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), the man on the far left is Ed Brubaker. He is a notable comic books writer. In 2005, he created the "Winter Soldier" character while writing for Captain America.
Source: @_OakyAfterbirth
#24 In Spider-Man (2002) after recieving the news of his dismissal from the board of Oscorp, Norman Osborn goes through the five stages of grief in a microcosm.
Source: @marcbwid
#25 In Captain Marvel (2019) Stan Lee’s cameo involves him reading a script for the movie Mallrats: a film that featured Stan as a starring cameo. Mallrats was released in 1995, the same year the events Captain Marvel take place.
Source: r/MovieDetails
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