12 Different Fighting Styles That Avenger Members Use
Almost single Marvel hero, even those who aren't instantly thought of as fighters, has a specific fighting style based on their special skills. Black Widow and Captain America, for example, are two of the MCU's strongest martial artists. These two characters alone demonstrate a tremendous amount of training in a variety of areas.
Hand-to-hand fighting scenes in the MCU have all been produced with the help of outstanding real-life martial arts instructors. These trainers collaborate with the filmmakers to create a distinct look for each character based on their abilities and history. In this approach, the characters not only have their own styles that work with their abilities, but they also have styles that are based on real-world disciplines.
Systema is a Russian fighting style that practically covers all aspects of combat, from punching to grappling, to knife fights, and even gunplay. Bucky's most prominent style is Systema, which makes sense given the character's background as a Soviet-era assassin.
Professional wrestling is also in Peter's abilities, as it's probably one of the only examples of fighting he's ever seen, only unlike pro wrestlers, Peter isn't a fan of violence. Peter is physically capable of pulling off such incredible moves in real life, completely dominating his opponents.
Thor, unlike Black Widow and Spider-Man, does not need to turn around to get a good angle. Instead, Thor frequently lifts up and tosses the individuals he's battling to the side. Glima is responsible for this type of pick-and-throw martial arts, which is ideal for Thor because Glima is a Nordic fighting technique.
The art of fighting with a bo staff is known as Bojutsu. The bo staff in question for Clint Barton is his bow. In his fight against Black Widow, he shows off his Bojutsu skills as well as a variety of other hand-to-hand martial arts techniques.
Hand-to-hand fighting scenes in the MCU have all been produced with the help of outstanding real-life martial arts instructors. These trainers collaborate with the filmmakers to create a distinct look for each character based on their abilities and history. In this approach, the characters not only have their own styles that work with their abilities, but they also have styles that are based on real-world disciplines.
1. Captain America: Muay Thai With Old-School Boxing
Source: Marvel Studio
2. Black Panther: Capoeira With A Lot Of Different Techniques
Source: Marvel Studio
3. The Winter Soldier: A Lot Of Techniques With A Focus On Adaptability
Source: Marvel Studio
Systema is a Russian fighting style that practically covers all aspects of combat, from punching to grappling, to knife fights, and even gunplay. Bucky's most prominent style is Systema, which makes sense given the character's background as a Soviet-era assassin.
4. Spider-Man's: Brazilian Jiujitsu And Tae Kwon Do
Source: Marvel Studio
Professional wrestling is also in Peter's abilities, as it's probably one of the only examples of fighting he's ever seen, only unlike pro wrestlers, Peter isn't a fan of violence. Peter is physically capable of pulling off such incredible moves in real life, completely dominating his opponents.
5. Black Widow Started Out As A Wushu Fighter
Source: Marvel Studio
6. Even While Using Mjölnir, Thor Still Take Advantages Of His Massive Strength To Deliver Huge Boxing-Style Blows
Source: Marvel Studio
Thor, unlike Black Widow and Spider-Man, does not need to turn around to get a good angle. Instead, Thor frequently lifts up and tosses the individuals he's battling to the side. Glima is responsible for this type of pick-and-throw martial arts, which is ideal for Thor because Glima is a Nordic fighting technique.
7. Iron Man: Wing Chun (Like Robert Downey Jr. In Real Life)
Source: Marvel Studio
8. Doctor Strange: Martial Arts Alongside The Mystic Ones
Source: Marvel Studio
9. Captain Marvel Has A Military Background
Source: Marvel Studio
10. Sam Wilson Utilizes His Thrusters To Improve His Military-Taught MMA
Source: Marvel Studio
11. Hawkeye: Using Bojutsu To Mix His Bow When He Isn't Shooting Arrows
Source: Marvel Studio
The art of fighting with a bo staff is known as Bojutsu. The bo staff in question for Clint Barton is his bow. In his fight against Black Widow, he shows off his Bojutsu skills as well as a variety of other hand-to-hand martial arts techniques.
12. The Wasp: Flowing And Feminine Twist On MMA-Style Fighting
Source: Marvel Studio
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