
20 Hilarious Dialogues Of Nick Fury That Make You Burst Into Laughter

Every character in the MCU has several funny times and seven villains. But this post will point out a character that you seldom think about or notice, Nick Fury. Nick Fury is a world-renowned spy, a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the founder of the Avengers, and he needs no introduction. You know, nothing too serious.
Fury is also one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most underappreciated characters, but he is the only one who can keep the Avengers together and operate. Plus, let's face it, you pick up the phone whenever Samuel L. Jackson appears. Fury has always had the wittiest and most snarky responses during his appearances in many films. (I apologize, Tony.) Below are the 20 hilarious dialogues of Nick Fury that make you burst into laughter.

1. Does What He Wants To Do

Source: Marvel Studio

2. A Casual Neighbor Spider-Man

Source: Marvel Studio

3. Make It 30

Source: Marvel Studio

4. Speechless!!

Source: Marvel Studio

5. I'm Trying My Best

Source: Marvel Studio

6. Zip Your Mouth Off!!

Source: Marvel Studio

7. Just Mundane!

Source: Marvel Studio

8. A Rubber Suit

Source: Marvel Studio

9. Wait!

Source: Marvel Studio

10. Great, Just Great

Source: Marvel Studio

11. What The Heck?

Source: Marvel Studio

12. Just Fury

Source: Marvel Studio

13. Keep Both Eyes Open

Source: Marvel Studio

14. Just Ridiculous, Girl!

Source: Marvel Studio

15. Formal Words For Informal Things

Source: Marvel Studio

16. Invoke, Lmao, Let Her Rest

Source: Marvel Studio

17. I'm Doing Nice Things

Source: Marvel Studio

18. And Then Tony Said: "A Boy Band"

Source: Marvel Studio

19. Gun For That, A lollipop Is Better

Source: Marvel Studio

20. He Does Care

Source: Marvel Studio

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