
20 Universal Rules All Real Men Should Live By

There are certain rules that real men live by. Are you a real man? Or, to be more specific, are you manly enough to know about these rules that every man should know if they want to get about their lives? We decided to put together these twenty universal, unwritten rules that all men should abide by if they want to sustain their manhood and don't want to lose their name in a manly tribe.
Well, girls are great, certainly getting laid is fun, but "bros before hoes" should be the absolute motto every bro/man follows. Also, in any given situation, do not make fun of your bro just to humor a girl. That is just not cool.
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#1 When you become a father all your sneezes must be loud and violent

#2 Unless you feel genuinely threatened, never purposefully hit a man in the balls

#3 If you're bald and I'm bald, we're automatically bald brothers

#4 When leaving you must smack your pockets to make sure everything is there

#5 Not taking the last beer when you didn't pay for it

#6 Some tools require "testing" before use. Examples include: "Click click" tongs, Squeeze the trigger of a power drill a couple times, Spin the socket of a ratchet wrench to make sure it's going the right way

#7 When she tells you she's not hungry for whatever you're ordering, order more cuz she'll definitely be eating your stuff

#8 Roast your bro when he's happy, comfort him when he looks depressed

#9 Always clean the sides of the toilet bowl with your urine stream. If it sparkles when you’re done, you win

#10 Any object carried by another male is immediately assessed for its weapon capacity

#11 When a friend asks for help, you help them

#12 Never turn your homie into a clown, just to make a girl laugh. That just sucks

#13 The W I D E step. Y’all know

#14 You must let out a sigh of satisfaction when sitting down on a lawn chair

#15 One shall slap the bag of soil in the garden center when passing by

#16 Only the driver can modify anything on the dashboard from the car

#17 Nod down to guys you don’t know, Nod up to friends

#18 You have to rip off icicles from roofs and throw big rocks in lakes when given the opportunity

#19 You must stand by your bro while he's grilling, and make comments about the level of awesome it's going to be

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