7 Craziest Facts About Nicolas Cage That Made Us Freak Out
Actor Nicolas Cage, star of multiple movies such as including "Moonstruck" and "The Rock," is known for his intense on- and off-screen personality, as well as his passion for method acting. That's probably why he decided to eat live cockroaches while filming "Vampire's Kiss" despite hating those beings.
However, eating what he really hates is never enough to talk about his incredible experiences. Some of them even seem too outlandish to be part of a movie - much less real. From his haunted house to helping another movie star break into the cinema industry, they are just a few things about Nic Cage that show how unique he is. Let's scroll down and check them out now!
“It was two in the morning. I was living in Orange County at the time and was asleep with my wife. My two-year-old at the time was in another room. I opened my eyes and there was a naked man wearing my leather jacket eating a Fudgesicle in front of my bed.”
Cage spoke with the individual and urged him to leave before the police arrived. While Cage did not press charges, he stated that he would never return to the house.
According to director Robert Bierman, the figure was originally supposed to consume a raw egg. Cage and Bierman agreed that an egg was not violent enough, so Cage informed Bierman, "The thing I despise the most in the world are cockroaches." They are on my 101st floor... So give me a cockroach to eat." As Bierman put it, “He wanted to eat the most frightening thing for him. I thought, "This is terrific!" I sent my prop people down into the boiler room.... They brought me a box, divided up into little sections with tissue paper. The cockroaches were there lined up for me to cast. I think they’re actually called water bugs - they’re bigger than cockroaches.”
Cage described it as one of the "most disgusting horrible" memories of anything he's done on a movie shoot.
It's unclear how much Cages paid for the nine-foot-high pyramid mausoleum in 2010 (one report suggests $40,000), but the inscription on the front reads omnia ab uno - Latin for "everything from one."
In 2007, Cage purchased the LaLourie House in New Orleans. He said it was for inspiration for a book, but he never finished it, and the house was sold two years later.
While he never owned Dracula's castle in Romania, he did visit there for inspiration while filming the first Ghost Rider (2007) picture. Idris Elba, Cage's co-star, remembers seeing a tired-looking Cage and asking if he was well. Cage responded, “Yeah man, I went up to Dracula's castle... the ruins up in the mountains, and I stayed the night.... I just had to channel the energy, and it was pretty spooky up there.’’
When a friend brought him a package of mushrooms, Cage's "cat would go in my refrigerator and grab it, almost as if he knew what it was." He adored it." Cage thought his cat was onto something, so he took the mushrooms, which gave him a "peaceful and beautiful experience," and then got rid of the psychedelics.The cobras, on the other hand, were given new homes at a zoo. Cage claims they "try to hypnotize me by showing me their backs, and they'd lunge at me." His neighbors, who were also dissatisfied, were part of the drive for finding a new home for the snakes.
Cage persisted, and arranged for Depp to meet with his agency. Soon after, Depp was cast in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).
The comic book, along with others, was stolen from Cage in 2000, only to be recovered in a storage room in 2011. Cage regarded its discovery as "divine providence," and anticipated that "the heirloom will be returned to my family."
Cage, on the other hand, sold the comic book at auction shortly after receiving it back. The book brought in approximately $2.2 million, the biggest price ever paid for a comic book (at the time), money he might have used to pay off his hefty tax burden.
Cage was alleged to owe the IRS $14 million in 2012.
However, eating what he really hates is never enough to talk about his incredible experiences. Some of them even seem too outlandish to be part of a movie - much less real. From his haunted house to helping another movie star break into the cinema industry, they are just a few things about Nic Cage that show how unique he is. Let's scroll down and check them out now!
#1 He Once Woke Up To Find A Stranger Eating A Fudgesicle At The End Of His Bed
Source: Gettyimages
“It was two in the morning. I was living in Orange County at the time and was asleep with my wife. My two-year-old at the time was in another room. I opened my eyes and there was a naked man wearing my leather jacket eating a Fudgesicle in front of my bed.”
Cage spoke with the individual and urged him to leave before the police arrived. While Cage did not press charges, he stated that he would never return to the house.
#2 While Filming 'Vampire's Kiss,' He Ate Live Cockroaches - And It Was His Idea To Do It
Source: Hemdale Film Corporation
According to director Robert Bierman, the figure was originally supposed to consume a raw egg. Cage and Bierman agreed that an egg was not violent enough, so Cage informed Bierman, "The thing I despise the most in the world are cockroaches." They are on my 101st floor... So give me a cockroach to eat." As Bierman put it, “He wanted to eat the most frightening thing for him. I thought, "This is terrific!" I sent my prop people down into the boiler room.... They brought me a box, divided up into little sections with tissue paper. The cockroaches were there lined up for me to cast. I think they’re actually called water bugs - they’re bigger than cockroaches.”
Cage described it as one of the "most disgusting horrible" memories of anything he's done on a movie shoot.
#3 He Owns A Pyramid-Shaped Tomb In New Orleans
Source: Geraldshields11 / Wikimedia Commons
It's unclear how much Cages paid for the nine-foot-high pyramid mausoleum in 2010 (one report suggests $40,000), but the inscription on the front reads omnia ab uno - Latin for "everything from one."
#4 He Once Owned 15 Houses, Including Haunted Ones
Source: Ghost Rider / Sony Pictures Releasing
In 2007, Cage purchased the LaLourie House in New Orleans. He said it was for inspiration for a book, but he never finished it, and the house was sold two years later.
While he never owned Dracula's castle in Romania, he did visit there for inspiration while filming the first Ghost Rider (2007) picture. Idris Elba, Cage's co-star, remembers seeing a tired-looking Cage and asking if he was well. Cage responded, “Yeah man, I went up to Dracula's castle... the ruins up in the mountains, and I stayed the night.... I just had to channel the energy, and it was pretty spooky up there.’’
#5 He's Done Drugs With His Cat
Source: coleandmarmalade
When a friend brought him a package of mushrooms, Cage's "cat would go in my refrigerator and grab it, almost as if he knew what it was." He adored it." Cage thought his cat was onto something, so he took the mushrooms, which gave him a "peaceful and beautiful experience," and then got rid of the psychedelics.The cobras, on the other hand, were given new homes at a zoo. Cage claims they "try to hypnotize me by showing me their backs, and they'd lunge at me." His neighbors, who were also dissatisfied, were part of the drive for finding a new home for the snakes.
#6 He Helped Johnny Depp Break Into Acting
Source: cheatsheet
Cage persisted, and arranged for Depp to meet with his agency. Soon after, Depp was cast in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).
#7 Cage Sold A Rare 'Superman' Comic For More Than $2 Million
Source: Gary Dunaier / Wikimedia Commons
The comic book, along with others, was stolen from Cage in 2000, only to be recovered in a storage room in 2011. Cage regarded its discovery as "divine providence," and anticipated that "the heirloom will be returned to my family."
Cage, on the other hand, sold the comic book at auction shortly after receiving it back. The book brought in approximately $2.2 million, the biggest price ever paid for a comic book (at the time), money he might have used to pay off his hefty tax burden.
Cage was alleged to owe the IRS $14 million in 2012.
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