Heterochromia Among The Stars: 15 Celebs With Mismatched Eyes
Have you ever noticed that both Superman (Henry Cavill) and Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) have heterochromia, an eye condition? Heterochromia iridium is a disorder in which a person's eyes are two distinct colors. It is a genetic (and sometimes acquired) condition. Only about 1% of the world's population is impacted by this rare and gorgeous trait. Heterochromia can take several forms: complete heterochromia, in which both irises are a different color; partial heterochromia, in which an iris contains a segment that is a different color; and central heterochromia, in which the inner and outer rings are different colors.
Eyes can fascinate and hypnotize, and when they're mixed with this wonderfully unique feature, it's easy to get lost staring into those mismatched eyes. We looked for celebrities who may or may not have been mesmerizing you with the colors of their eyes to honor this unique and attractive trait. Scrolling down to explore more!
Left: blue
Left: green
Left: green
Left: hazel
Left: green
Left: green
Left: blue and brown
Left: brown
Left: blue and hazel
Left: blue
Eyes can fascinate and hypnotize, and when they're mixed with this wonderfully unique feature, it's easy to get lost staring into those mismatched eyes. We looked for celebrities who may or may not have been mesmerizing you with the colors of their eyes to honor this unique and attractive trait. Scrolling down to explore more!
#1 Henry Cavill
Source: Stephane Cardinale/Getty
Right: blue
Left: blue and brown
Left: blue and brown
#2 Alice Eve
Source: Justin de Villeneuve/Hulton Archive/Getty
Left: blue
#3 Benedict Cumberbatch
Source: Dave J Hogan/Getty
#4 Demi Moore
Source: Evan Agostini/Getty
Left: green
#5 Jane Seymour
Source: Getty
Left: green
#6 Mila Kunis
Source: Getty
Left: hazel
#7 Simon Pegg
Source: Dave J Hogan/Getty
#8 Elizabeth Berkley
Source: Getty
Left: green
#9 David Bowie
Source: Justin de Villeneuve/Hulton Archive/Getty
#10 Josh Henderson
Source: Getty
Left: green
#11 Olivia Wilde
Source: Getty
#12 Dominic Sherwood
Source: Jerod Harris/Getty
Left: blue and brown
#13 Max Scherzer
Source: Chris Trotman/Getty
Left: brown
#14 Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Source: Getty
Left: blue and hazel
#15 Kate Bosworth
Source: Jon Kopaloff/Getty
Left: blue
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