
Entitled Mom Demands A Fellow Passenger On A Plane Entertain Her 7-Year-Old Boy, But She Isn't Having It

The dates for the holidays have been set, and the location was unanimously agreed on within the family. It's time to start thinking about flight reservations. However, even if you meticulously planned the trip, some incidents might happen on your flight and utterly ruin your holidays, kids - for example. On a plane, kids are almost as unwelcome as snakes; no one wants to sit near them (and that might even include you, too). Because they are naughty and noisy, it takes time for them to become used to sitting quietly for hours on end.
A Reddit user named u/WitchesCoven99 recently posted a story to the r/EntitledParents subreddit about an encounter with a particularly obnoxious woman on a plane to London. When her 7-year-old got bored, she couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. Instead, the mother considered it was OK to entrust the duty of calming her child down to a total stranger. Scroll down to check out the entire story.

Source: halfpinttravel (not the actual photo)

Source: WitchesCoven99

Here’s what people said after reading the story:

Source: ZDragonight159

Source: FilmFizz

Source: Skybelly

Source: MoonPowerPanda

Source: Curvychica69

Source: sodoyoulikecheese

Source: Merodisenpai

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