Explore 33 Of The Worst, Most Cringeworthy Lines In The History Of Movies
Dialogue is usually one of the first things that each cinephile or moviegoer either praises or criticizes. Not every line needs to be meaningful; in fact, many characters simply say "Hello?", "No,"... or joke or talk about what they're doing. However, there's a line that's just so bad and it completely takes the spectator out of the film.
Well, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share some of the most cringe-worthy movie lines they've ever heard, and the answers were unexpected. Some of these terrible lines appear frequently in many famous films. And some of them are directly delivered that you question if movie fans are ready to skip some pretty awful sentences just because the films were blockbusters.
So, here are 33 of the best (or worst, depending on their perspective). The following examples have been judged by 3 criteria: context, delivery, and humor. Warning that this post includes spoilers as well as harsh language, and adult content. So, if you're ready, let's get started!
Well, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share some of the most cringe-worthy movie lines they've ever heard, and the answers were unexpected. Some of these terrible lines appear frequently in many famous films. And some of them are directly delivered that you question if movie fans are ready to skip some pretty awful sentences just because the films were blockbusters.
So, here are 33 of the best (or worst, depending on their perspective). The following examples have been judged by 3 criteria: context, delivery, and humor. Warning that this post includes spoilers as well as harsh language, and adult content. So, if you're ready, let's get started!
#1 In X-Men: Storm shared this very insightful fact
Source: tthornton2
#2 In "Twilight", Edward explained how enticing Bella's scent is to him
Source: ashleighm488273cd0
#3 Yet another Edward gem from "Twilight"
Source: hmrichard13
#4 This incredibly quotable but also incredibly cringe exchange between Jacob and Bella in "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2"
Source: doloresthedumb
#5 When Harley Quinn said this cheesy line in "Suicide Squad"
Source: aliwes
#6 Everyone's favorite line from "Fifty Shades of Grey"
Source: gemmao4ef464753
#7 In "Fifty Shades of Grey", Anastasia asked this very important question
Source: sterrevdpijl
#8 When Christian tried to seduce Anastasia in "Fifty Shades of Grey"
Source: dreeminbigg
#9 In "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", Draco and Harry shared this exchange
Source: willthisrlywork
#10 This cringey line from Sam in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"
Source: jasminxo
#11 Jamey delivered this back-handed compliment in "Sierra Burgess Is a Loser"
Source: mithili02
#12 When Jack had this questionable comeback in "Speed"
Source: kristinh4c3851073
#13 In "Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith", Anakin responded to Padmé's affection with this line
Source: elle99
#14 When Thor made his first appearance in "The Avengers", prompting this exchange between Cap and Iron Man
Source: germancanadian
#15 In "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones", Anakin used this pickup line that was a little...uh...rocky
Source: katek4161e6ae2
#16 In "Spider-Man 3", when Peter put on a "performance" at MJ's work, snapped his fingers, and said this
Source: krysten005
#17 When Princess Tilde said this in "Kingsman: The Secret Service"
Source: sarabeltran
#18 In "City of Angels", Seth decided to make pears deep
Source: rebekahc49e196459
#19 In "Jennifer's Body", Jennifer asked Needy and Chip this important question
Source: mandammf
#20 In "Once Upon a Time in Mexico", when Agent Sands asked Cucuy this very important question
Source: liambunnyboy
#21 In "The Notebook", when Noah and Allie shared this infamous moment
Source: kevind4ac2ce8fe
#22 In "Tall Girl", Jodi explained the struggles of being tall
Source: iwouldratherbesleeping1013
#23 In "Notting Hill", Anna uttered this infamous line
Source: katee16
#24 When Jupiter and Caine shared this...uh...interesting exchange in "Jupiter Ascending"
Source: meganhash13
#25 This line from "Troll 2" that's so bad it's good
Source: marie-francel
#26 This unconvincing line from "Four Weddings and a Funeral"
Source: lizd44ced8787
#27 When Sam and Patrick shared this thought in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" that really didn't need to happen
Source: devint4b72c316e
#28 In "Savages", when O had this poetic revelation
Source: megana4ef6322d4
#29 The saxophone player complimented Jack in "The Nightmare Before Christmas"
Source: cox
#30 When Jennifer was absolutely certain that Needy was jealous of not getting an invite to a party in "Jennifer's Body"
Source: mandammf
#31 Ricki tried to talk dirty in "Gigli"
Source: katrinad419bb21f3
#32 Every time the phrase "true true" was repeated in "Cloud Atlas" with complete seriousness
Source: amys4a67eb584
#33 In "The Brothers Bloom", when Penelope let Bloom know exactly how she felt
Source: hollycc
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