
20 Things You Should Never Do When Visiting America, According To Americans

The United States is a beautiful destination. And it is considered one of the most naturally diverse and beautiful countries in the world, with snow peaks, deserts, beaches, canyons, mountains, rivers, prairies and even volcanoes. As a result, it's no surprise that the U.S. attracts many visitors every year. For example, in 2019, the number of international visitors to this country peaked at 79.44 million people.
Because the United States is an absolutely gigantic nation, it has a dynamic culture. However, it may put people at the risk of offending many people. There are many "unwritten rules" that everyone should know. When a Reddit user asked people on the subreddit r/AskAnAmerican "If visiting America what is something that person should never do?" many Americans didn't hesitate to share "unwritten rules" in their country. Here are some of the most interesting things.


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