
20 Hidden References In Disney Movies That You Probably Never Noticed Before

Disney has been producing family-favorite films for decades, and its reputation as being the most beloved animated film studio means that fans have come to expect a lot from its theatrical releases. Disney Movies are highly anticipated by audiences of all ages, who continue to watch and rewatch classics that have spanned generations and genres.
To meet the expectations of the audience, Disney always challenges viewers by hiding a lot of interesting details in their movies, including references. And it is easy to understand that some of the hidden references listed below are not noticed by many people because each animated film sees hundreds, even thousands of people working on them. That being said, there seems to be a lot we miss in Disney movies. And after reading the movies listed below, you might not be able to watch your favorite classics in quite the same way.
Let's dive into some of the sweetest references about movies made by the Entertainment juggernaut known as Disney.

#1 In Tangled, you can spot references to other Disney princess movies in Rapunzel’s bedroom.

Source: © Tangled / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#2 There was a scene in "Big Hero 6" where a poster with an image of Hans from "Frozen" was displayed in the police station.

Source: © Big Hero 6 / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Frozen / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#3 Aladdin and Maui throw an apple and a coconut in the exact same way.

Source: © Aladdin / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Moana / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#4 “Moana” referenced “Lilo & Stitch” in a cute version.

Source: © Moana / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Lilo & Stitch / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#5 An image of Hiro's cat dressing up as Stitch appeared in a scene from "Big Hero 6."

Source: © Big Hero 6 / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#6 The magical flower in "Moana" appears in "Tangled", giving Rapunzel's hair the ability to heal.

Source: © Moana / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Tangled / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#7 Baymax destroyed the statue of Hans in “Big Hero 6”.

Source: © Big Hero 6 / Walt Disney Animation Studios

Statue of Hans.

#8 Finnick dressed as an elephant in Zootopia is a reference to Dumbo.

Source: © Zootopia / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Dumbo / Walt Disney Production

#9 One of the Kakamora bears in "Moana" has the face of Baymax from Big Hero 6.

Source: © Moana / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#10 The image of Pumba in "The Lion King '' was discovered in a small detail of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".

Source: © The Hunchback of Notre Dame / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#11 Anna and Elsa played with Baymax, Dumbo, and Bolt in “Frozen II”.

Source: © Frozen II / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#12 In Toy Story 4, when Bo Peep’s sheep brings her various items, one of them is the grape soda cap from Up that Ellie pinned onto Carl’s shirt.

Source: © Toy Story 4 / Pixar Animation Studios, © Up / Pixar Animation Studios

#13 In Moana, there is a carpet that is a "twin" of Aladdin's magical carpet.

Source: © Moana / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Aladdin / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#14 Maui and Hercules share this move.

Source: © Moana / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Hercules / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#15 Squirt and Crush from Finding Nemo appear in Moana.

Source: © Moana / Walt Disney Animation Studios,

#16 In “Brave”, there's a tapestry-like the one that was in "Car 2"

Source: © Cars 2 / Pixar Animation Studios, © Brave / Pixar Animation Studios

#17 In Ralph Breaks the Internet, the woman on the “sassy housewife” ad is Aunt Cass from Big Hero 6.

Source: © Ralph Breaks The Internet / Walt Disney Animation Studios, © Big Hero 6 / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#18 The chocolates in "Wreck-It Ralph" resemble those eaten by Anna in "Frozen."

Source: © Frozen / Walt Disney Animation Studios,  © Wreck-It-Ralph / Walt Disney Animation Studios

#19 "Frozen II" included a reference to "Frozen."

Source: © The Incredibles 2 / Pixar Animation Studios,  © joshholtsclaw / twitter© Toy Story / Pixar Animation Studios© A Bug’s Life / Pixar Animation Studios© Toy Story 2 / Pixar Animation Studios© Monsters Inc. / Pixar Animation Studios© Finding Nemo / Pixar Animation Studios© The Incredibles / Pixar Animation Studios© Cars / Pixar Animation Studios© Ratatouille / Pixar Animation Studios© WALL-E / Pixar Animation Studios© Up / Pixar Animation Studios© Toy Story 3 / Pixar Animation Studios© Cars 2 / Pixar Animation Studios© Brave / Pixar Animation Studios© Monsters University / Pixar Animation Studios© Inside Out / Pixar Animation Studios© The Good Dinosaur / Pixar Animation Studios© Finding Dory / Pixar Animation Studios© Cars 3 / Pixar Animation Studios© Coco / Pixar Animation Studios© The Incredibles 2 / Pixar Animation Studios

#20 "Frozen II" included a reference to "Frozen."

Source: © Frozen / Walt Disney Animation Studios,  © Frozen II / Walt Disney Animation Studios

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