People Reveal How They Responded To 'I Love You' When They're Not Ready To Say It Back
We grow up believing we will find someone, tell them we love them, they'll say it back, and we will live happily ever after. However, the truth is that it's not always that simple. Love is a very complicated thing. It doesn't seem as easy as in the movies. Sometimes we and our partners don't have the same feeling. Or maybe they are not ready. Have you ever been through such a delicate situation when one person says "I love you" to you but you are not ready to say it back?
If you don't know what to do, this post is for you. When a Redditor asked, "If someone says 'I love you' but you're not ready to say it back, how do you respond?" on AskReddit, many people didn't hesitate to share what happened to them. We have collected some of the most impressive responses. Scroll down to check them out. Also, if you have experienced such an embarrassing situation, feel free to share it with us.
If you don't know what to do, this post is for you. When a Redditor asked, "If someone says 'I love you' but you're not ready to say it back, how do you respond?" on AskReddit, many people didn't hesitate to share what happened to them. We have collected some of the most impressive responses. Scroll down to check them out. Also, if you have experienced such an embarrassing situation, feel free to share it with us.
Source: lilmizzvalz
Source: DTownForever
Source: StoopieHippo
Source: meme_me_Alon
Source: pocketrocket-0
Source: NotSymmetra
Source: sitdowncat
Source: iamthetrophy
Source: Nostalgianeer
Source: reddit
Source: FerniWrites
Source: bitchpleasebp
Source: reddit
Source: AtraposJM
Source: itisjust
Source: sheslyn
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