Parents Removed Their Daughter From The Will Because She Refused To Have Kids, So She Ruined Their Holidays
Some couples want to have kids, some don't. Despite the fact that the laughter of kids brings vitality to the whole family, raising a kid is quite challenging. It requires time, finances, patience, unconditional love, and commitment. Furthermore, when kids come into life, the relationship between the couple also might be affected. As a result, it's quite understandable why some couples refuse to have children.
Couples have the right to make their own decisions about their lives, and no one, even their parents, may interfere. Some parents, on the other hand, can't help but interfere deeply in the relationship of their daughter or their son and force them to have kids just because that is considered normal in society. As in this woman's situation. Her father informed her that she would be removed from the will because she has no children. Then, the Redditor came up with the idea of ruining her parents' holidays. Scroll down to read the whole story.
Couples have the right to make their own decisions about their lives, and no one, even their parents, may interfere. Some parents, on the other hand, can't help but interfere deeply in the relationship of their daughter or their son and force them to have kids just because that is considered normal in society. As in this woman's situation. Her father informed her that she would be removed from the will because she has no children. Then, the Redditor came up with the idea of ruining her parents' holidays. Scroll down to read the whole story.
The reason why they did that was quite simple. Well, their daughter wasn’t having kids
Source: doesnotcontributes
The great majority of people believed that the woman was not at fault; it was the parents who were
Source: ladypoe1207-0824
Source: daisyray71
Source: TheMayansWereOntoSomething
Source: mattsall
Source: MurlockQueen
Source: butthurtnevergetsbetter
Source: AeternalDreamer
Source: Ornoth
Source: youcantgiveAbabybooze
Source: byronwashington
Source: BSemisch
Source: TriNitroToluenergirl77
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