
Cringy And Sad Moments That Will Forever Live As Screenshots On The Internet

We all have had cringy moments in our life. But some cringy moments are...cringier than the others. Before the days of the Internet, whenever we had moments where we felt like we should get out of there really quick, we were just glad afterward that we would never experience them ever again.
But when the Internet came around, it became a different story.
Here is a list that we have put together of cringy, sad moments that will forever live as screenshots on the Internet. These people probably didn't know that what's on the Internet will stay there...forever and ever. Be sure, though, to share this article on your social media outlet and follow our website daily for more exciting, funny content like this.

#1 Somebody hurt her….

Source: roodadootdootdo

#2 I salute this cringe

Source: Horny_Weinstein

#3 That feeling is contagious

Source: DemonGodAsura

#4 F**k boi

Source: thunt59

#5 How pathetic is that?

Source: Midnite_St0rm

#6 I was not in his story

Source: ohhasha

#7 Anonymous


#8 Incels online are cringe. in person? even worse

Source: AndrewLonergan

#9 Maybe don’t do this


#10 Say you’re insecure without saying you’re insecure

Source: nekkototoro

#11 Savage

Source: greenbastardette

#12 Oof

Source: psychedelicdoode

#13 We live in a society

Source: Oceloxxx

#14 No one came to his party

Source: poppenkill

#15 Is this how Jesus was born?

Source: sharpdrivenye

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