
20 People Reveal The Weirdest Reason They Ever Got Into Troubles At Work

We all make mistakes, but it's hard to process when it happens to us at work. There are a plethora of reasons why employees mess up at work, stress, miscommunication or job mismatch - for example. However, employers don’t particularly like excuses, so they just prefer their employees to take responsibility for their mistakes. However, more often than not, because of the mood swing of their boss, some employees get reprimanded for the prettiest reasons.

When Twitter user @katieharr1988 asked their followers, "What's the weirdest thing you ever got in trouble at work for?" many people didn't hesitate to share the weirdest reasons they've ever gotten into trouble at work, and the replies were insanely bizarre and hilarious. We have collected some of the best ones. Scroll down below to take a look and upvote for your favorites.

Source: katieharr1988


Source: PattersonDaisy


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Source: kathrynkelley_

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