
Couple Stops Allowing Kids To Play In Their Backyard After Neighborhood Karen Demands They Get Rid Of Their 2 Dogs, Asks Reddit If They Were At Fault

Dog poop can cause a lot of drama in the neighborhood, and it even caused a story that took over Reddit by storm.
A man went on Reddit to ask if he and his wife were wrong to stop allowing neighbor's kids to play in their backyard. He shared that his family was happy to let the kids play in their yard until some got smeared in some dog dung. Some parents got mad, demanding they get rid of their dogs.
The couple has two lovely pooches, an 11-year-old Belgian shepherd and a 12-year-old German shepherd and Belgian mix. They are willing to scoop up all of the poop, but they refuse to get rid of the dogs.

Check out his full story below:

Source: u/aitakidslawn

Source: u/aitakidslawn

Source: u/aitakidslawn

Source: u/aitakidslawn

Source: u/aitakidslawn

The point where the conflict started was actually when an unknown lady showed up with demands after her 6-year-old and his friends came back home smeared in dog poop. The woman started demanding they get rid of the dogs, or else her kids wouldn't come over anymore and she'd press charges for endangerment.
She later returned with a petition with about 6 signatures demanding they get rid of the dogs. The couple simply locked the gates and put signs up explaining why.
Some of the nice neighbors begged the couple to change their minds, but they simply refused because they didn't want to risk another conflict like this. They pointed out that if she would have simply supervised their kids, this wouldn’t have happened.
Sadly, the couple had to face backlash from the remaining part of the neighborhood who feel it’s unfair everyone is punished because of this one person. This is what prompted the couple to ask Reddit if they were being jerks.
Reddit users sided with them and decided that they were not at fault here because it’s their land, dogs, and decision. The neighbors should actually be directing their anger at the “Karen” who ruined it for them.

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

Source: r/AmItheAsshole

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