
10 Parents Whose Sense Of Humor Is Better Than Their Kids

It would be quite understandable if parents had lost their sense of humor over the past couple of years. Because parenting is tough. Sometimes they may need to be strict with their kids just in order to educate them or protect them from physical danger. However, we can't deny the power of humor which can be the most useful tool for calming situations, encouraging proper behavior and cementing the parent-child bond.
Take these parents for example. They are so humorous that their family members couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. We've gathered 10 tweets that prove parents haven't lost their sense of humor. Scroll down to check them out and upvote for your favs. If you think your mom and dad are the most humorous people in the world, don't hesitate to share your experience with us in the comment section below.

#1. The best advice ever

Source: KevinMKruse

#2. Wow... thanks, mom

Source: HenpeckedHal

#3. So dramatic

Source: HomeWithPeanut

#4. It's all about priorities

Source: Chhapiness

#5. Living it up

Source: MissHavisham

#6. Assume that parents have already tried it

Source: thearibradford

#7. When dinner turns into breakfast? Always a fun time

Source: threetimedaddy

#8. Hilarious!

Source: andizeisler

#9. Eye-dentist

Source: deloisivete

#10. So sweet!

Source: mommajessiec

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