
20 Animal Pictures That Are Worth More Than A Thousand Words

When you look at long paragraphs of text with no photos, we are sure that you don't want to read them. It's because you respond far better to images compared to text. Visual stimulation over images allows your brain to consume the material with more consummate ease. Besides, a photo can convey its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description. In general, photos speak louder than words.
If there's one thing out there that's guaranteed to make your day brighter and make you laugh, it's animal pictures. That's the reason why we decided to collect amazing and funny animal pictures to share with you. Every one of them holds a story within it- something to inspire you, boost your imagination, and give you the power to get through the rest of this week. Scroll down to enjoy! You have to agree with us that these pics are worth more than 1000 words.

#1 A member of the Harlem Hellfighters (369th Infantry Regiment) holding a puppy he saved during World War 1, 1918.

Source: Black Americans

#2 A woman walks with two cats and a dog after she crossed the border from Ukraine to Poland at the border checkpoint in Medyka, Poland, on March 13.

Source: EricShe11350341

#3 Find someone who looks at you the way Hasbulla looks at his cat

Source: HasbullaHive

#4 Harry Styles with his fish and frong in London this morning!

Source: songfordracula

#5 Mother and baby

Source: africaniml

#6 Throwback to 21 Savage feeding a baby tiger.

Source: raptvcom

#7 When you lie on your resume but you still get the job.

Source: CatWorkers

#8 An urban red fox encounters a mural fox.

Source: u/aquilasr

#9 A rescued Canadian Lynx

Source: bram_stokers_acura

#10 Lioness gives male a scolding as she isn't happy with him playfighting with kids.

Source: Youiesa

#11 Mood

Source: HutCat

#12 LOOK at this cat my friend discovered today.

Source: sophiekleeman

#13 Short-eared owl and northern harrier face off in symmetry.

Source: aquilasr

#14 A Melanistic Elephant Calf

Source: Steven-Gorak

#15 Kevin Richardson with lioness Meg, who he raised from birth after her mother rejected her. She trusts him so much that she even follow him into the middle of a lake, something extraordinary for a lion.

Source: yutyrannus_huali

#16 Please

Source: elton the cat

#17 You are my meow meow.

Source: animaIarmy

#18 You look like me..

Source: David88_01

#19 So Cute

Source: animal_iyashl

#20 Mother Hedgehog with New Born Babies

Source: ExploreMoreMysteries

Please share these amazing pics with your friends and family members to make their day!
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