25 Hilarious And Heartwarming Hot Takes About Pixar's 'Turning Red'
What makes the audience, not just children, come to the theater to see “Turning Red''? It probably comes to the excellent content of the film. "Turning Red" depicts the fears, fatigue, and bewilderment of a teenage girl but these are still very close to an adult. How many of us are hiding our true feelings? How many of us hold back every day, encouraging ourselves that we're okay?
Besides, with the theme of coming-of-age, focusing on the "sensitive" issue of women, “Turning Red'' broke some barriers of the Hollywood animation industry. This is also the first Pixar film produced by female director Domee Shi, who is behind the short film "Bao". Thanks to that, since its premiere, "Turning Red" has received a lot of attention from viewers over the world. People have taken the movie to Twitter to share the most intriguing things about it. And here are some of the most interesting posts we've collected. Scroll down and enjoy!

Besides, with the theme of coming-of-age, focusing on the "sensitive" issue of women, “Turning Red'' broke some barriers of the Hollywood animation industry. This is also the first Pixar film produced by female director Domee Shi, who is behind the short film "Bao". Thanks to that, since its premiere, "Turning Red" has received a lot of attention from viewers over the world. People have taken the movie to Twitter to share the most intriguing things about it. And here are some of the most interesting posts we've collected. Scroll down and enjoy!
#1 Priya as a Baby Bat
Source: GothOfTheDay
#2 So refreshing to see
Source: BloomMoonbeam
#3 The best Disney dad
Source: xeniamadrigal
#4 Nothing is appropriate
Source: DynamoSuperX
#5 Cringe
Source: neon_heartbeat
#6 Thank you, Pixar
Source: daliceus
#7 Children always trust their parents
Source: DeerSprouts
#8 A more iconic friendship group
Source: samiamrosenberg
#9 The most realistic book for a 13YO
Source: jamersino
#10 Friendship bracelets
#11 Sequel
Source: OhNoSheTwitnt
#12 It’s wonderful
Source: CydonPrax
#13 Not relatable to men
Source: OnNoSheTwitnt
#14 Turning Red is a HUGE huge deal
Source: oliviapecini
#15 What will animation be like
Source: evantickles

Source: evantickles

Source: evantickles
#16 Such normalcy
Source: TheJosieMarie
#17 Unused title
Source: JimForonda
#18 A witty metaphor
Source: iNabber69
#19 Nothing beats a light-hearted Pixar film
Source: ariphobe
#20 Generation gap is created by miscommunication and overt control
Source: Crosschopper
#21 Movie Of The Year'
Source: zorelsbeifong
#22 The perfect combination of old Disney vs new Disney
Source: RocketEevee
#23 Ming is not villains
Source: Sialaterfolks
#24 Feelings of Latinos and Asians
Source: 616EMMAFROST
#25 Made me realize
Source: starxeebs
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