
20 Tweets From Parents About The Absolute Lies They've Ever Told Their Kids

Hah! Parenting is such a tough task. Especially, raising naughty and inquisitive kids is even challenging. Because they always ask tons of questions about everything happening in the world, their parents sometimes go into panic mode. Therefore, some brilliant moms and dads have come up with absolute lies that are considered parenting hacks to make their life much easier.
Here are some of the white lies that parents have ever told their kids we've collected for you. Scroll down to check them out. Maybe you will say that telling lies is wrong. But once you become a parent yourselves, you will understand that these little lies are still kinda sorta OK because they will prevent you from being cracked under the pressure of parenting. If you have ever said any funny lies to your kids, don't hesitate to share them with us in the comment section below.


Source: realllyanna


Source: ESweenyBlock


Source: XplodingUnicorn


Source: Lhlodder


Source: JimGaffigan


Source: Leecooper74


Source: HonestToddler


Source: DraggingFeeties


Source: geath81


Source: dishs_up


Source: thefluffa


Source: momtransparent1


Source: not_thenanny


Source: thedad


Source: maryfairybobrry


Source: thedad


Source: TheCatWhisprer


Source: MejiaWrites


Source: dshack8


Source: LurkAtHomeMom

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