
25 Things That Guys Wish Girls Knew About Them

Some people say women have erratic mood swings and are too complicated to understand. Others feel it is the same way for guys. The truth is that each gender has its own set of characteristics. However, most women are more expressive than men, which makes them appear to be easier to understand. In contrast, guys are less expressive and are afraid of how a woman will react when they say or do certain things. As a result, it becomes more difficult to comprehend a man.
When a Redditor asked, "What as a guy do you wish girls knew?", a lot of guys have come together and revealed things that they wish their girls knew about them, in the context of romantic relationships and beyond. And for your convenience, we've put together a list of the most interesting things. Scroll down to check them out. We hope that girls can understand the guy's perspective.

Source: direwolfey


Source: just_some_a--hole,chris_jolly


Source: Denmasterflex


Source: SalFunction12


Source: [deleted]


Source: Psychological_Pay_36


Source: NorthYorkJoe


Source: NoodleBoy456


Source: Additional_Breath_89


Source: Qepperoni


Source: yeetgodmcnechass


Source: haankip


Source: qualitygoats**t


Source: Ragnaroknight


Source: TMAC77TNM


Source: GamerFromJump


Source: I-moth


Source: rb2130


Source: Snoo_95427


Source: fosterdylan


Source: TheMando9


Source: Mischief_Makers


Source: TheGhostofYourPast


Source: FortniteKevin


Source: absurd-comment


Source: SolarisIX

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