
Ignore All The Rules, Fail The Dog Show, Jack Russell Terrier Becomes Internet Sensation Instead

People said: “A champion is one who is remembered. A legend is one who is never forgotten”. This is exactly for Olly, a tumbling Jack Russel terrier dog that won the hearts of everyone who witnessed the Crufts show on that day.

Source: Crufts

Source: Crufts

Olly and his owner, Karen, come from Hertfordshire, UK. One day, Karen decided to take Olly to join in the Crufts - the biggest dog show in the world taken place in the UK. It seems like everything went off the track. Instead of taking time to understand and comply with the strict requirements of the competition, Olly made his own rules, and his performance turned into one of the most hilarious dog performances ever.

Source: Crufts

Source: Crufts

Source: Crufts

Olly seemed to be full of energy during his performance, he overcame obstacles decisively without having to look back.

Source: Crufts

Karen wanted Olly to go through every obstacle cleverly, but his goal was to fail/ play with the obstacles. Though Karen also tried so hard to help his dog, his effort was in vain. It's clear that Karen and his pooch have different goals in the competition. One for competing while the other's aim is just entertaining. You know what's gonna happen, right?
After finishing his part, Olly seemed so confident, he went around the field to interact with his audience. Can you imagine his facial expression when he knows his results? That's must be funny.

Source: Crufts

Source: Crufts

Finally, our energetic Olly finished his performance in applause and laughter of thousands of audiences. Though he failed in the dog show, he won the hearts of millions of people on social media.
T/H: Huffpost
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