Ignore All The Rules, Fail The Dog Show, Jack Russell Terrier Becomes Internet Sensation Instead
People said: “A champion is one who is remembered. A legend is one who is never forgotten”. This is exactly for Olly, a tumbling Jack Russel terrier dog that won the hearts of everyone who witnessed the Crufts show on that day.
After finishing his part, Olly seemed so confident, he went around the field to interact with his audience. Can you imagine his facial expression when he knows his results? That's must be funny.
T/H: Huffpost
Source: Crufts
Source: Crufts
Source: Crufts
Source: Crufts
Source: Crufts
Source: Crufts
After finishing his part, Olly seemed so confident, he went around the field to interact with his audience. Can you imagine his facial expression when he knows his results? That's must be funny.
Source: Crufts
Source: Crufts
T/H: Huffpost
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