
OP's Wife Got Pro Revenge On Manager Who Deliberately Rigged The Schedule So She Could Walk Her Dog

As humans living in this world, at least once in our lives, we will encounter situations that make us disappointed at our colleagues or superiors. There are situations that require us to be patient, but some require us to take action to regain justice for ourselves.
Recently, an angry Redditor named artmofo shared a story about his wife, who had sweet revenge on her manager who cheated on schedule to have extra days off for her personal affairs. OP’s wife is the only assistant manager for a woman’s boutique. Her Manager is a mean person. She was required to come to work on her day off so her manager could walk her dog. OP's wife politely refused and replied that she had a doctor's appointment, her manager immediately judged that she was not such a team player. In addition, she also frequently cheated on her schedule so that she could do her own jobs, which affected OP's wife and other employees. After all, she no longer works at the store. Now OP's wife is in her position and is getting an extra $4 per working hour.
This post received 1,2k upvotes on r/antiwork. Most people assume that this manager is clearly ineligible to take over the store because of her actions towards her subordinates, and what OP's wife has received is completely worth her efforts.
To learn more about the story, please scroll down.

Source: r/antiwork

OP's wife rocks!

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Everyone has different reasons for splitting days off, but cheating on schedule is not acceptable for a superior

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Redditors think OP's wife deserves a happy ending

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

Source: r/antiwork

If you had to face such situations, how would you react? let us know in the comment below.
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