15 Not-So-Known Facts About Disney Animated Movies That Challenge Even Avid Fans
Throughout the past few decades, Disney animated movies have given many children and teenagers amazing memories.
You think you know everything about Disney? So do you know the first Disney animated film ever made was a brief seven-minute silent film called "Plane Crazy"? Or the cat Pluto in "Lady and the Tramp" makes its debut in "The Disneyland News" of 1955?
Disney animated movies have always been very influential and memorable because they usually contain scenes that we can never forget. Have you ever wondered how many scenes from your favorite Disney animated movies there are?
Find out more with a list of some common and not-so-known facts about some Disney animations!
You think you know everything about Disney? So do you know the first Disney animated film ever made was a brief seven-minute silent film called "Plane Crazy"? Or the cat Pluto in "Lady and the Tramp" makes its debut in "The Disneyland News" of 1955?
Disney animated movies have always been very influential and memorable because they usually contain scenes that we can never forget. Have you ever wondered how many scenes from your favorite Disney animated movies there are?
Find out more with a list of some common and not-so-known facts about some Disney animations!
#1 50 people worked on the technology for the scene where Elsa builds her ice palace. One frame of the scene took 30 hours to render.
Source: Frozen Disney
#2 There was originally a dressing room in between Anna and Elsa’s bedrooms.
Source: Frozen Disney
#3 Disney artists had to take a crash course in meteorology to learn about snow.
Source: Frozen Disney
#4 Pocahontas is the only Disney princess with a tattoo.
Source: Disney Movie
#5 Beauty and the Beast's Gaston is the first male villain to star in a princess-centric Disney film.
Source: Disney Movie
#6 Tiana (The Princess and the Frog) is the only Disney princess with dimples.
Source: Disney Movie
#7 When you hear the lion characters roar in The Lion King, you're actually hearing tigers.
Source: Disney Movie
#8 In Brazil, the title of "Coco" was changed to "Viva! A Vida É Uma Festa!" because the word "coco" means "poop". You can see why Disney decided to change the title of the film in this country, right?
Source: Disney Movie
#9 "Encanto" translates to charm, or enchantment, in Spanish. The "Encanto" in the movie isn't just the house—it's the entire Madrigal family.
Source: Disney Movie
#10 Encanto is the first Disney movie to focus on specifically Latinx characters.
Source: Disney Movie
#11 There are a total of 6,469,952 spots in 101 Dalmatians. I guess some of us have spent time counting them back in childhood.
Source: Disney Movie
#12 Tia Pepa is the only redhead in the Madrigal family.
Source: Disney Movie
#13 Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) is the princess with the least amount of lines and screen time in a Disney film.
Source: Disney Movie
#14 Mickey Mouse's original name? Mortimer.
Source: Disney Movie
#15 "Finding Nemo" characters make an appearance in Coco movies
Source: Disney Movie
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