
Woman Vetoes The Purchase Of A $60k Car For Her Step-daughter's 16 Birthday, And Step-daughter Throws A Tantrum

Marriage is tough for any couple. When they enter married life, they are confronted with a slew of issues, including changes, kid-raising, and finances. Some people even find it more challenging as a series of incidences occur. This is especially true as this is not their first marriage. And many people indicate that the most difficult one happening to a couple is that they both have kids from prior marriages.
Take this couple for example. They both have kids from previous marriages. The woman, her new husband, her teenage daughter, and her step-daughter all reside in the same house. Her ex was earning a lot of money and even purchased a $60,000 car for his daughter. The step-daughter was so envious that she wanted the same, but the new husband couldn't afford it. The woman didn't want to be in debt sorely because of a car, so she refused her step-daughter's request. Then, the step-daughter threw a tantrum. Scroll down to read the whole story.

Here is how the discussion started

Source: WorldlinessOwn9245

Her ex was cool enough to continue providing for her

Source: WorldlinessOwn9245

The $60k car is the root of the problem

Source: WorldlinessOwn9245

And it makes her new family perplexing

Source: WorldlinessOwn9245

Her new husband is great but doesn’t earn as much as her ex

Source: WorldlinessOwn9245

Her step-daughter throws a tantrum on her and her husband because they want to buy her a budget car

Source: WorldlinessOwn9245

They can’t afford it, so she refuses

Source: WorldlinessOwn9245

And here are some opinions of Redditors:

That's a good advice

Source: missmistryl


Source: Tired_Aunty

Is a $60k car for a teenager spoiling

Source: xxLostAngelxx

The insurance for a car is also a big problem

Source: mothertothemax

The step-daughter sounds entitled

Source: f-u-c-k-usernames

She needs some big counseling

Source: dietpunkgirl

She is playing her parents against each other

Source: OhioGirl22

Her husband can't afford it. That's all

Source: Awesome_one_forever

She needs to accept

Source: Intelligent_Stop5564

Taking on debt to get a car is ridiculous

Source: lifewith6cats

Not everybody is so lucky their parents buy them a car at 16

Source: TyphoidMary234

Life is that such

Source: Originalcruelty

It's not her fault

Source: joanclaytonesq

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