
30 Funniest Posts About Marriage And Parenting That You Can't Miss

When asked, "What is your most important thing in life?", a lot of people responded emphatically that they couldn't live without their families. Of course, you may sometimes get annoyed with your family, but they are your "cells" and the ones that you can turn to in happy and sad moments. No matter what happens to you, they will always be there to support and encourage you.
And this wonderful feeling of family love has been transmitted to many people thanks to Marriage & Martinis, an online project by a couple from New Jersey. With humorous content about marriage and parenting, they successfully attracted over 381k followers. Scroll down to enjoy their funny and spot-on posts. And if you don’t usually show your family how much they mean to you, now is the time to start!


Source: MaryHeglar


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: LadyBrienne1


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: SamanthaaaReece


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: authorabbyjim


Source: not_thenanny


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: natvan


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: MarriageMartini


Source: marriageandmartinis


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Source: brandontrusso


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: AuthorAbbyJim


Source: FleurdeNope


Source: MarriageMartini


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: thedad


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: marriageandmartinis


Source: boomer_bass_


Source: marriageandmartinis

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