30 Pics Of People Who Attempted To Be Clever But Failed Miserably
People usually say that "It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest." None of us are perfect. So, instead of letting everyone know our bad points, we tend to hide them and just show off the good ones and the best version of ourselves. However, things sometimes go off the track, which puts us in awkward situations. Like the people below, they tried really hard to be clever but failed miserably.
A woman spent about 5 minutes waiting in line when going to a grocery store. However, it was not until she discovered the two people standing in front of her were mannequins that she realized how stupid she was. Another person complained why there was a "0" birthday candle when no one would turn 0 years old. But he didn't notice that everyone would turn 10, 20, 30. Poor them. Scroll down to check out other hilarious stories. Also, don't forget to upvote your favs.
A woman spent about 5 minutes waiting in line when going to a grocery store. However, it was not until she discovered the two people standing in front of her were mannequins that she realized how stupid she was. Another person complained why there was a "0" birthday candle when no one would turn 0 years old. But he didn't notice that everyone would turn 10, 20, 30. Poor them. Scroll down to check out other hilarious stories. Also, don't forget to upvote your favs.
#1. "My sister's friend bought the wrong concert tickets"
Source: reddit.com
#2. "Oops"
Source: reddit.com
#3. Leonardo Davinci’s art in Titanic
Source: twitter.com
#4. "Facebook making memes unintentionally"
Source: reddit.com
#5. "Log in: admin - Password: admin"
Source: reddit.com
#6. Please, be a joke...
Source: marcirobin
#7. "How are you this ignorant?"
Source: reddit.com
#8. "The Z3d is on a hell of a drug"
Source: reddit.com
#9. Trump probably did that himself
Source: stonecold2050
#10. Faith in humanity
Source: worldofisaac
#11. "I believe that's meant to be the date"
Source: reddit.com
#12. Want to throw my phone
Source: mirandaasantos
#13. Poor the woman. She was waiting in line for 5 minutes
Source: reddit.com
#14. The parking cop gave a ticket to a piece of art because he thought it was illegally parked
Source: erwinwurm.at
#15. "Locked out"
Source: reddit.com
#16. "My brother was upset because his car's "docking station" for his iPhone wasn't working and it was scratching his screen"
Source: 20min.ch
#17. Mamma catfish Doo Doo Doo...
Source: brookehunter_
#18. "I wanted to cook my wife a fancy meal for her birthday, so I started with a slow-cooked homemade chicken stock. After simmering for hours, the recipe said to pour it through a strainer."
Source: reddit.com
#19. Kimmy can afford to lose some money, but not her imagined picture of her coolness while doing it
Source: gettyimages.ae
#20. "It would be a cool feature, though"
Source: reddit.com
#21. "News does a report on missing/murdered aboriginal women and they use a white girl at Coachella wearing a headdress as the picture"
Source: reddit.com
#22. "Exactly mom, you guessed it right!"
Source: reddit.com
#23. "Just saw this shared on FB. When I asked the girl who shared it, she actually believed it. She is 21."
Source: reddit.com
#24. At least they apologized
Source: reddit.com
#25. "My brother asked, "Since when is there a Christmas Squid?"
Source: reddit.com
#26. "Explosion loading..."
Source: reddit.com
#27. "My manager taped a piece of paper to a clipboard"
Source: old.reddit.com
#28. "Microwaved this foil ball for 3 minutes and this is the result"
Source: reddit.com
#29. Hahaha!!
Source: xorraks
#30. Yall: I don't want gays to get married. weddings are sacred - Also yall: I'm gonna take an uber pool to my wedding
Source: nicolewboyce
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