10 Reasons Why Pixar's Brave Is One-Of-A-Kind Animated Movie
As a world-famous and prominent studio, Pixar always receives special attention and certain demands from the public. And it's understandable that Pixar strives for perfection in everything they do, from the content to pictures and characters. Pixar offers much more than just animated films when the studio incorporates special and significant lessons and messages into the films. And that's what makes it one of the most well-known and successful studios in the world.
Despite the fact that it follows several conventions of the studio, Brave stands distinct in Pixar's filmography for a variety of reasons. It established a number of precedents for Pixar, many of which haven't been followed since, but the film's originality is what makes it one of the best standalone Pixar films. Below we have listed 10 ways that make the movie Brave stand out in a very unique way. Read to the end and don't forget to let us know your thoughts in the comments section!
Despite the fact that it follows several conventions of the studio, Brave stands distinct in Pixar's filmography for a variety of reasons. It established a number of precedents for Pixar, many of which haven't been followed since, but the film's originality is what makes it one of the best standalone Pixar films. Below we have listed 10 ways that make the movie Brave stand out in a very unique way. Read to the end and don't forget to let us know your thoughts in the comments section!
#1 It’s dark
Source: Pixar
#2 Original songs from contemporary bands
Source: Pixar
#3 No talking animals
Source: Pixar
#4 No American voice actors
Source: Pixar
#5 It heavily uses the location’s culture
Source: Pixar
#6 It has a period setting
Source: Pixar
#7 It’s supernatural
Source: Pixar
#8 It’s about a princess
Source: Pixar
#9 A female protagonist
Source: Pixar
#10 Takes place in the UK
Source: Pixar
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