Mom's Incredible Letter To Her Daughter’s Principal Over The Dress Code Will Have You Fuming
When the weather starts to get warmer, it's the ideal time for many teenage girls to dress up in a few lovely but slightly exposing ensembles. According to certain school dress codes, this is problematic. Take the story below for example. After her daughter was scolded for not following the dress code, this mother decided to speak up. She shared a photo of her kid's outfit as well as sent a letter to her daughter's principal to describe how difficult it is to find appropriate clothing for her.
Take a hard look at this picture and tell me how is it unacceptable for school?
To most people, this is a typical image of a teenage girl's school outfit. Just a basic T-shirt and shorts.
Source: catherinepearlman
Does it really deserve this reaction?
I'm guessing none of you had the same response after seeing that photo. Many people appear to have a confused understanding of humility.This little girl's school principal, though, seemed to have a different viewpoint on the matter. This outfit, they claim, is the pinnacle of the scandal.
Source: catherinepearlman
She’s only 13 years old, but her school's principal told her that her shorts are only acceptable if they are as long as her arm's fingertips. The mother was so disturbed by the principal's rule that she felt compelled to post her daughter's dilemma on social media.
This policy only makes you wonder what the principal’s priorities are.
Are a couple of inches really worth all of that trouble?There's clearly nothing wrong with those shorts, and anyone who finds a problem is simply seeking a fight. Catherine, unfortunately for the principal, was all set to go to the mat.
Isn't it difficult to have to pick a different outfit to wear every day?
It's insane to have to spend additional effort making sure an outfit adheres to your school's dress code. It's just ridiculous and time-consuming. Catherine wrote a letter to the principal to call him out instead of punishing her daughter for wearing "inappropriate" outfits to school. She didn't hold back either.In the letter, Catherine emphasized that her daughter is simply taller than most friends her age, and then hilariously continued to call out the principal.
She also made a joke in which she asks the principal to assist her in finding appropriate clothes.
It doesn’t take much, now does it? It’s pretty clear that this isn’t a welcome response.
She also goes into great detail about all of the clothes issues her kid has.
So detailed.
Hopefully, the school administration can come up with something that fits both the strict dress rules and the girl's tastes. Good luck, because the mother has given up totally!
Even she left a signature ‘Sick of The Dress Code Mom’
It's wonderful that she stood up for her kid and chastised the principal for his antiquated viewpoints. The letter, however, did not end there. The signature is what truly raises the stakes in this disaster. This amazing mother deserves a lot of credit. She is really concerned about her daughter's well-being. She not only defended her kid, but she also made an awesome point.The letter had a little reminder at the end. This one will blow your mind.
The same girl who was warned about wearing shorts twice was also forbidden from wearing yoga pants earlier the same year.
That's incredible! While this high school seems to be a little intimidating, another in the United States has gone viral due to this new custom that allows current high school students to dress up in characters for their student identification cards. Awesome!