Tom Hardy Is Hand-Down The Best Venom Possible, And Here's Why
In 2018, when Venom was released in cinemas, people reacted excitedly. It was a great movie, but it received mixed reviews from both viewers and experts. According to Vulture critic David Edelstein, it's really only worth watching because of Tom Hardy.
Hardy takes on the roles of Eddie Brock & Venom. People can criticize the storyline of the movie, but they can only appreciate Hardy for his flawless performance. It's tough to comprehend any other actor filling the part since he was destined to play it. Are you still not convinced? Here are some of the reasons why Hardy is the one and only Eddie Brock/Venom:

He also played an anti-hero in the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road. Though it's not a superhero film, it is one of Hardy's most memorable roles. Playing such a wide range of complex roles just adds to his reputation as a performer.

Grace was overjoyed when he learned that Hardy would play the role because he felt he would do the character justice. Hardy was the greatest option, he claimed. It's good to watch performers congratulating one another on a part they formerly played.

#1 Played A Comic Book Villain And An Anti-Hero

He also played an anti-hero in the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road. Though it's not a superhero film, it is one of Hardy's most memorable roles. Playing such a wide range of complex roles just adds to his reputation as a performer.
#2 Done Multiple Characters In One Movie

#3 Praised By Former Venom Actor

#4 Has The Perfect Body Fit For Venom
#5 Inspired By His Son
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