For over 2000 years, Jews have defied themselves in preserving the top three ways to generate money.
Renowned as the world's top business people, the Jews are a special people who, for more than 2000 years of wandering, have not lost their identity with business lessons and splendid ways to earn money.
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If you don't know how to think for the future, you won't have a future. Whether you work for someone else or run your own business, if you don't know how to look ahead and map out a strategy, it will certainly be difficult for you to get rich.
The Jewish people have a very simple formula for making money at first glance, but it is not easy to do it: Time + Action = Wealth. If you don't spend time brainstorming, working hard, you can't create wealth.
Source: Thrive Global
The Jews also said, “The poor can also stand among the rich.” They are not afraid of poverty, but see it as an opportunity to rise up. First, they can go work for the rich, thereby building relationships, accumulating experience and capital.
Finally, when they have enough capacity, they use their money to hire talented and rich people as assistants. That is the reason why the Jews, even though they have been wandering around the world for more than 2,000 years, often have a disadvantaged status, but everywhere they are, they grow despite their backgrounds.
Up to now, there are at least 160 Jews who have won Nobel Prizes in almost every fields: science, art, politics, commerce, accounting for about one-fifth of the world's Nobel prizes.
When there are high-class talents to serve them and earn money for them, the Jews apply a very scientific formula, both to motivate talents and to build a solid business foundation. Here are those three "tricks":
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Trick 2: They make very strict recruitment requirements, requiring new employees to reach the level of "excellence". After entering the company, newcomers must immediately adapt to the working environment, and create high results at work.
Tactic 3: The Jewish proverb is: “You must create a series of talented people who can make money for you, create talents in each position, each job position can change any position. it's like changing a machine part". This helps them not to be affected by bad HR situations.
How can I create a series of talented people to make money for me?
The production process in an enterprise is: Work for others → Do your own business → Create your own business → Do business together.The Jewish method is: Use training to foster talents in each department to become managers in business. That is, in each department, there will be experts at that stage.
However, there is a point here, any successful businessman starts from a hired job. But that does not mean that they will work for the rest of their lives. When the time is right, they will separate into independent businesses and build their own careers.
By always understanding the meaning of employment and business, Jews always create sustainability for their career. There's a lot of difference between being employed and running a business. The Jews say:
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2. Hiring is a job many people go to work to earn money for others. Business is the making of an individual's money. A career is the work of a group of people working together to realize some big dream, and by the way use it to earn a lifetime amount of money.
3. Employed workers can only earn a certain amount of salary to sustain life. Business is any profession that can make money, do it. A career is a job, whether you earn money or not, you still have to do it, when you earn money as well as when you make up for losses, you must be calm and happy, because it is the accumulation of wealth and experience.
4. The identity of the hired worker is forever unchanged, completely based on strength. Business is like temporary mining, using your brain to get it. Career is the continuous in-depth research on a field, using the heart to do business.
5. Working as an employee is how to be respected by the boss, your destiny is decided by others. Business is about bringing your talents to the public. Career is used to pursue and overcome, forever just compete with yourself, compare with yesterday's self.
6. Working as a hired worker is to wait for a salary day by day. Business is about having to track input income day by day. Career is the creation of economic value each day.
7. Hiring is working to help others without any personal motivation. Business is the temporary euphoria of an individual. A career is the continuous happiness of a group of people.
8. Time-centered employment, such as taking care of start and finish times. Business is profit-centered and only profit is. A career is an existence based on caring and helping to meet people's necessary needs, taking people as the basis.
9. Employing only one thing is skill. Business mainly needs method and experience. The opposite career needs to improve one's character and realm.
10. The employee looks at the boss's face to change his words. Business people use their eyes, use their mind to speak. Career is fulfilling dreams, using the mind to speak.
11. Hiring is the use of time in exchange for money. Business is about using time and health in exchange for money. A career is the use of the shortest time to build an estate, and from that business to generate income.
12. After the employee retires, there is nothing left, because then his health, income, and fame have all been narrowed. After the business people retire, they use the money to buy back their health. People who have a career after retirement have more experience and can accumulate more value, because they are the creators of it.
Although very determined to get rich, the Jews still believe in education and knowledge. They think that a teacher is even greater than a king. There is a special thing that Jews love books very much, even devout books, consider books as treasures for life. Bookshelves should not be placed at the head of the bed or at the end of the bed, otherwise it will be considered disrespectful to books.
They also absolutely believe in God. They see learning as an expression of faith in God. They think: "Learning is something that helps behavior towards good, is the source of virtue". Therefore, for them, making money is not the goal of human life, but education is the core to change fate.
Over 2,000 years of wandering around the horizon, the Jews were deprived of all their identities, possessions, and positions, but only two things were untouchable. That is: books and knowledge.
In 1947, Israel was founded, the Jews restored the country, finally found a piece of land after thousands of years of wandering. They can finally raise their heads, and live proudly with their undying faith in knowledge and the Holy Spirit.
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