Top 44 Finalists In The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards You Need To Check Out Now
The Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards is a riot of a contest, giving us a fantastic peek into the wild and wacky world of animals. This offbeat competition was dreamt up by photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam back in 2015, and it's been a hoot ever since.
We know you're all itching to find out this year's champions, but the results aren't out yet. So, why don't we have some fun by checking out the potential winners? The shortlist for the 2023 contest was announced recently, and it's packed with some seriously silly snapshots of animals. Out of the thousands of entries, 44 finalists have emerged, all promising to tickle your funny bone.
Let’s scroll down and check out the collection of these hilarious animal antics and enjoy the lighter side of the animal kingdom.
Update: The overall winner of the competition has been announced. Check this out!
#1. Everyone can fly (Adrian Slazok)
#2. Walk like an Egyptian Goose (Allen Holmes)

#3. Cheeky Baboon (Benard Omwaka)

#4. Don’t look down ( Brian Matthews)

#5. On my talk about poking your nose into someone else’s business (Bill Gozansky)

#6. Ready steady go (Brigitte Alcalay)

#7. Hang loose (Christian Hargasser)

#8. Doing the Tango (Danny Sullivan)

#9. Fox with a cigar (Dakota Vaccaro)

#10. The Rainforest Dandy (Delphine Casimir)

#11. Fellowship (Dario Podesta)

#12. Snowball (Jacques Poulard)

#13. I don’t know (Jakub Wozny)

#14. Right of Way (Bradi Romano)

#15. Just a kiss (Brigitte Alcalay Marcon)

#16. Part of Your World (Danielle Goonan)

#17. Picture me Picture me (Dikla Gabriely)

#18. Dispute (Jacek Stankiewicz)

#19. What nice teeth you have (Henry Keepin)

#20. Now that’s a selfie (Jaroslaw Kolacz)

#21. Air-Guitar-Roo (Jason Moore)

#22. Monday Blahs (John Blumenkamp)

#23. Flossing Beaver (Jorn Vangoidtsenhoven)

#24. Direction Please. No we told you, they went that way (Jodi Frediani)

#25. The Cabaret Bear (Khurram Khan)

#26. Singing In The Rain (Kate Stevenson)

#27. Living the Moment (Kawing Chiu)

#28. Angry Bird (Michael Erwin)

#29. Fake news (Matti Rauvala)

#30. Air apparent (Paul Goldstein)

#31. Boing (Lara Mathews)

#32. Look at right Bro (Patrick Mondal)

#33. Mona Lisa’s Smile (Vince Maidens)

#34. Scream (Sergey Savvi)

#35. Teddy Buddies (Thomas Vijayan)

#36. The Happy Turtle (Tzahi Finkelstein)

#37. Otter Ballerina (Otter Kwek)

#38. Go To Your Room Little Brothera (Mark Schocken)

#39. Unexpected plunge (Vittorio Ricci)

#40. That wasn’t here yesterday (Wendy Kaveney)

#41. One for the family album (Zoe Ashdown)

#42. The Floral Feast Chronicles (Alex Pansier)

#43. I finally learned to fly or not (Tímea Ambrus)

#44. Shall we dance (Wayne Sorensen)