Pink Pokémon Get Reimagined As Human-Like Characters, And The Results Are Absolutely Adorable
Today, we are very honored to introduce to you a series of Pokémon gijinkas illustrations of Endifi (Frosty) - a talented freelance illustrator on Instagram. Not only does she turn the cast into human-like animated characters successfully, but also she gives them some personalities. In addition, there the compilation of Pokémon character designs comes in pink!
In other words, the line of creations of Endifi brings to us many fantasy designs immersed in a rose-tinted world. From Amphyy The Flaaffy to Bululu The Snubbull, they look adorable in new appearances with beautiful outfits and hairstyles. Thus, this lovely animation demonstrates that these pink Pokémon monsters also can be taken on as mellow sometimes.
So, why don't you scroll down and enjoy this brilliant fan art with us? I am sure that those artworks are as gorgeous and sweet as cotton candies, over which your girls definitely will be enthused!
In other words, the line of creations of Endifi brings to us many fantasy designs immersed in a rose-tinted world. From Amphyy The Flaaffy to Bululu The Snubbull, they look adorable in new appearances with beautiful outfits and hairstyles. Thus, this lovely animation demonstrates that these pink Pokémon monsters also can be taken on as mellow sometimes.
So, why don't you scroll down and enjoy this brilliant fan art with us? I am sure that those artworks are as gorgeous and sweet as cotton candies, over which your girls definitely will be enthused!
#1 Pyla The Cleffa
Source: iingo
#2 Lowise And Sheldon The Slowbro
Source: iingo
#3 Purina The Jigglypuff
Source: iingo
#4 Lucki The Chansey
Source: iingo
#5 The Exeggcute Sisters
Source: iingo
#6 Hoppi The Hoppip
Source: iingo
#7 Orygon The Porygon
Source: iingo
#8 Ringa The Lickitung
Source: iingo
#9 Iggy The Igglybuff
Source: iingo
#10 Sunny The Corsola
Source: iingo
#11 Mewwa The Mew
Source: iingo
#12 Young Yadonko The Slowpoke
Source: iingo
#13 Fabia The Clefable
Source: iingo
#14 Amphyy The Flaaffy
Source: iingo
#15 Pipa The Clefairy
Source: iingo
#16 Big Poppa Puff The Wigglytuff
Source: iingo
#17 Bululu The Snubbull
Source: iingo
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