
30 Hilarious Comics About Relationship By 'The Potato Couple' That Every Couple Can Relate To

Jason, the creator behind the comic books The Potato Couple, is one of the most popular comic artists in Malaysia. He started to draw comics and uploaded them to Instagram just to profess his love for Ymei - his girlfriend, and to make her laugh. But eventually, he has conquered thousands of netizens' hearts thanks to cute and funny images. In his comics, Jason truly depicts what happens in a couple's relationship, from the quirky struggles that make you chuckle, to situations that make you go “Hmmmmm” and we're pretty sure most couples will be able to relate to.
Check out some of Jason’s adorable comics in the gallery below. And if you don’t want to miss amazing artworks from this talented artist, join the army of 613K followers on his Instagram.

#1 Well, now we know who really runs that partnership.

Source: The potato couple

#2 Fantastic strategy, to be commended!

Source: The potato couple

#3 How to talk to short people?

Source: The potato couple

#4 Aww, so cute

Source: The potato couple

#5 I wish that happened to me while I'm in school. But too late!

Source: The potato couple

#6 Dessert is the best medicine

Source: The potato couple

#7 When you accidentally neglected her for too long

Source: The potato couple

#8 Short girls problem - This is a sad story

Source: The potato couple

#9 Smart guy!

Source: The potato couple

#10 Naughty jokes of every girl

Source: The potato couple

#11 LOL!!!

Source: The potato couple

#12 Long distance love will be like

Source: The potato couple

#13 "your cheeks are so cool!"

Source: The potato couple

#14 Awwwww

Source: The potato couple

#15 I'm longing for this...

Source: The potato couple

#16 Tickling is the worst because it's an involuntary action that makes it sound like you're having fun even if you hate it.

Source: The potato couple

#17 This is so sweet!

Source: The potato couple

#18 Love isn’t 1+1=2 but 0.5+0.5=1

Source: The potato couple

#19 Bubble milk tea is the best way to the rescue

Source: The potato couple

#20 If you can love, trust, respect, and support each other from a distance then distance will never separate 2 hearts that really care

Source: The potato couple

#21 "OK thanks...that’s very sweet of you"

Source: The potato couple

#22 Put your phone down!

Source: The potato couple

#23 "I'm super duper miss youuuuu"

Source: The potato couple

#24 Tap tap - The power of love

Source: The potato couple

#25 Oh nooo

Source: The potato couple

#26 OMG it's so cute

Source: The potato couple

#27 Give food

Source: The potato couple

#28 Who has not done this to their lover?

Source: The potato couple

#29 Opps

Source: The potato couple

#30 "I don't wanna be your friend"

Source: The potato couple

H/T: Boredpanda
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