
Adorable Illustrations Of Disney Princesses As Moms Which Is Entirely Relatable To Us

Have you ever imagined our beautiful Disney princesses being moms?
Honestly, being a Disney movies fan for years, I have imagined this not less than 10 times. We all know that Disney princesses find their princesses and live happily ever after when the film (and story) ends. It's understandable that many of us are curious about what they would look like as mothers.
Having the same question, Buzzfeed and artist Chabe Escalante have collaborated and came up with the idea of redesigning Disney princesses as today's moms. This creative artist has created a collection of modern mothers, she has shown us the various characteristics of them based on our beautiful Disney princesses. As can be seen, Tiana becomes a good-cooking mom or Belle is a dedicated woman of the family. So exciting, right?
Just take time to have a good look at her works and let us know which Disney Mom do you like the most?

#1 Belle, "Beauty and the Beast"

Source: Chabe Escalante

Belle is a dedicated mom who is making effort to teach her daughter. But her intelligence seems not to help in this case.

#2 Anna, "Frozen"

Source: Chabe Escalante

In this drawing, Anna tries to cart her kids around town to ice-harvesting class. That is the way our moms used to do when we are still a baby.

#3 Mulan, "Mulan"

Source: Chabe Escalante

Mulan and her little daughter get a lot of fun while playing together.

#4 Aurora, "Sleeping Beauty"

Source: Chabe Escalante

Just like her trait in the "Sleeping Beauty" movie, her little girl drives Aurora nuts because it is hard to wake her up.

#5 Snow White, "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs"

Source: Chabe Escalante

This is a common moment between us and our moms. As you can see in this illustration, modern mom Snow White is complaining about her kid for being a couch potato.

#6 Rapunzel, "Tangled"

Source: Chabe Escalante

In this painting, Rapunzel looks so gentle. I think she must be a "free-range parent". She just let her kids do whatever they want.

#7 Ariel, "The Little Mermaid"

Source: Chabe Escalante

Although deeply falling in love with Eric in the movie, modern mom Ariel also has a controversy with her husband sometimes.

#8 Tiana, "The Princess and the Frog"

Source: Chabe Escalante

Tiana is such a good-cook mom, and this work looks so cute with both happy faces of Tiana and her daughter.

#9 Merida, "Brave"

Source: Chabe Escalante

I actually pay all my attention to the triplet of Merida. They look so tiny and adorable while playing around. Obviously, this drives Merida mad.

#10 Pocahantas, "Pocahantas"

Source: Chabe Escalante

In this drawing, Pocahantas and her daughter have a joyful moment together while selling cookies.

#11 Cinderella, "Cinderella"

Source: Chabe Escalante

Cinderella appears as an ultimate Pinterest mom. She makes a lot of DIY things for her kids such as baking cakes, using eco-friendly home-cleaning techniques.

#12 Jasmine, "Aladdin"

Source: Chabe Escalante

In this setting of the drawing, Jasmine looks tough as a modern mom, but she never let her kid suffer any injustices.
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